I Will Always Love You

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I cried into Harry's arms until I fell asleep. I felt my world break, my confidence that i've somehow managed to build just was crushed down. Rob was out of jail, and I need to get out of here.

The next morning, I woke up and puked. "Emily, are you okay?" Rebecca asked, rubbing my back as I bent over the toilet. "I don't think she is." Denisse said with a 'duh' voice. I smiled at them and shook my head, "Guys, i'm fine, really. I'm just worried." I said standing up. Harry ran in and shouted, "Oh my god, Emily! Are you alright?" I laughed and shook my head again. "Harry, I'm fine." He nodded and kissed my forehead softly. I took his hand and we all walked downstairs, to find Anne standing there. She ran to me and cried, holding me against her, wrapping her arms around me. "Emily, don't be worried. Trust me, we'll be okay. I love you, don't forget that, okay? We'll protect you." she whispered, running her hand against my cheek. "I know, Anne. I love you too." I said going into the kitchen. I got some cereal, and some milk out of the fridge. I looked at the milk, to expect it to be chinky, like we had at the other house. I turned around to sit in the chair at the table, and flinched, too used to him being there. I took a deep breath and started to eat, looking around with wide eyes. Okay, maybe this is affecting me more than it should. But I feel like he could be anywhere waiting for me, watching me, waiting to do something. Anything.

I finished my cereal and accidently dropped my spoon on the floor. Harry ran in with wide eyes, screaming. "Emily, are you alright?" he screamed, running to me as he wrapped his arms around me. "Yeah, Harry. It's okay, I'm fine. I just dropped my spoon, that's all." I said putting a hand on his shoulder. He nodded with tears in his eyes. I quickly wiped them away and kissed him. "Harry, you worry too much." I said, letting out a shaky breath. "I just want you to be okay, Emily." he said, sitting on the counter. I sat next to him and said, "I will, Harry. It's okay. I promise." I whispered, putting my hand on his knee. He nodded and picked me up bridal style. He brought me up to his room and laid me on the bed. He laid next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into his chest and listened to his heart beat. "Do you hear that?" he whispered, running his finger up and down my back. "Yes." I whispered back. He kissed my head and whispered, "Well, that's the sound of my heart. The heart that will keep us together forever. No matter how hard it gets. I will always love you Emily." he whispered, kissing my head again. "I will always love you too, Harry." I responded, putting my hand on his chest. I fell asleep wrapped in his embrace, warm and safe. I know that Harry loves me, and he'll protect me. He'll love me forever and I'll love him forever.

I woke up a few hours later, when I heard the sound of a window crashing and breaking. "Harry?" I whispered, turning to find him not in the bed. I soon began panicking. I threw the balnkets on the other side of the bed, and ran into Rebecca and Denisse's room. "guys?" I whispered. "Emily!" Rebecca whispered, wide eyed and scared. "what-" I was interupted, "Emily! Watch out!" Denisse screamed, pointing to behind me. I raised an eyebrow, and turned around, only to be hit in the head. I fell againt the wall, blood rushing from my forehead. I woke up about an hour later, in some room. I think it was the basement. I loked around, my vision coming back slowly. I blinked a few times, to clear my vision. My vision came back, and I saw Denisse and Rebecca tied together. They were both looking at me, shaking with big eyes. My eyes widened as I looked around to find Harry. I soon found him, hands tied behind his back. "Harry!" I whispered, but there was ducktape over my mouth. My hands were also behind my back. Shit.

I struggled for a while, but then I heard the evil laugh of someone. I instantly knew who it was, Rob. "Emily, you're awake. What a pleasure." I heard him chuckle. Wow. That's the first time i've ever heard him use my real name. My eyes flickered to Harry, then to Rob again. I was shaking, this room was really cold. "Emily, come here." Rob said sternly. My hands were tied together, and so were my feet, so I couldn't even move. He chuckled evilly, rubbing his hands together. He came towards me, stepping into the light. He really did look evil. His eyes had back bags under them and he had a stubble of prickly hair. He grinned and put his hand under my chin. I shivered at the contact, then he ripped the ducktape off of my mouth. "AHHH!" I screamed in pain. He chuckled darkly again, then moved his eyes to Harry. "What did you do to him?!" I screamed, looking at his motionless body, laying on the floor. "Nothing, he just took a nap." Rob responded. "A nap my ass!" I yelled back. I somehow managed to get up and lean against the wall. I looked at him and let a tear roll from my eye. "Don't cry, Emily." Rob said. I looked at him with narrowed eyes. "I hate you." I responded. He came towards me and whispered in my face, "good, I love it that you hate me." He responded, putting his hands on my shoulders. He chuckled as I winced when he kicked me in the stomach. I coughed up some blood and looked up at him through pleading eyes. He just punched my stomach again, and again. "Mmm mm mmmm!" Denisse screamed against the ducktape over her mouth. I let a tear fall from my eyes, and started panicking as he walked towards her. I gripped a brick somehow in my hands and somehow managed to throw at him, making it hit him in the back of the head. He fell to the floor, with blood rushing from his head. I chuckled, pleasent feeling at my victory. Then I realised I had to help the others.

I scooted across the floor, found a nail on the ground next to the tool box, and threw it in Rebecca's direction. She gripped it and started cutting through my rope. I gasped at the feeling of my hands as my hands were free. I cut my feet free with a knife and then cut the girls free. They hugged me and we all ran to Harry. I started crying, my tears blinding me as I tried to cut him free. Rebecca took the knife from me and cut him free. I tried shaking him to wake him up, but he didn't wake up. I started crying even more, then Denisse started screaming. "Guys!" she screamed, pointing to behind me, where Rob laid. He started moving, and then he got up and started running towards me. Denisse and Rebecca pushed me up and I heard Rob clash through a table. I looked at Denisse and she shrugged. Harry opened his eyes and started panicking. "Guys! We have to get out of here!" he whispered,  taking my hand. "He's going to wake up soon, let's go!" I whispered, limping up and going to the stair case. Rebecca ran up first and Harry limped with me up the stairs. Denisse followed us and I ran into our room. "No time to pack, let's go!" Harry said, pulling me out of the room. I nodded and we all ran out into the yard. "Whose car are we gonna take?" I asked. "Mine, now. Go, go, go!" Harry yelled, pushing me into the car. "Whre are we gonna go?" I asked franitcally as he started to drive. "I have no clue." Harry responded, shaking his head. Denisse started crying. "What about your mum?" Rebecca asked, raising an eyebrow. "We'll pick her up at the super market." Hary responded, speeding in the market's direction. "Okay." Rebecca, Denisse, and I all said at the same time.

Harry drove into the market's lot, just as Anne was coming out. "Mum! Get in!" he shouted. "Harry, honey! Why? My car's just over there." she said pointing to her car. Harry rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, well... Don't go home. Just follow me. Please, mum." he begged. She shook her head and then she saw tears in Harry's eyes as he looked at me. She kissed his head and said, "Okay, hunnie, why though?" she asked. "Rob." Rebecca answered, holding a shaking Denisse in her arms. "Okay, where are we going?" Anne asked. "I don't know... We just need to get far away from the house so he doesn't find us." Harry responded. "Okay." Anne said, looking at Harry's hands gripping mine really tightly. She kissed his head before walking to her car. Harry kissed me deeply and desperately, like he was going to lose me any second. "It's going to be okay, Harry." I said, patting his shoulder with the hand that was free from his grip. "I hope so, Emily." he responded, starting to drive. Looks like this is going to be a long journey.

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