•I walked through an empty park, or what I thought was empty. I was just listening to the music playing in my head, the music I love so much. I was thinking, thinking about Harry. My boyfriend, companion. I loved him so much, but then, I walked to the edge of te park, right where it ended. I took a deep breath and walked on the ledge of a steep rock, over looking the running water in te stream. Everything was peaceful. Why wasnt I? Oh that's right. I hurt my boyfriend, my stepfather doesn't love me, actually he hates me. I took a step off the rock, about to jump, when someone caught my arm. "What are you doing?!" a man sai. I turned around slowly, to find a man with brown hair, brown long flippy hair, and the most beautiful eyes. "Nothing, just looking at the water." I replied. He looked about Harry's age, 19. "Oh. What's your name?" he asked me. "Emily, yours?" I asked him back. He kind of reminded me of Harry in a lot of ways. His face mostly. "Hay-"•
That's where I woke up. "What the hell?" I breathed. Harry turned over and wrapped his arms around me. "What's wrong, love?" he asked, putting his head on my shoulder. "I had a weird dream. I was in a park, and I was overlooking a stream. I was about to jump in, but a guy grabbed my arm and saved me. He looked so much like you. He could be your twin... I asked him what his name was and he replied, Hay- and that's where I woke up. I never found out his name besides 'Hay'." I said. Harry nodded and said, "Wow. That is weird." I nodded into his chest. I've never even been to that park before. it was so weird. He reminded me of Harry so much. I went to sleep, still thinking of the dream guy, 'Hay'. I hope he wouldn't be in my next dreams.
It was kind of different living here, because Niall was now my boyfriend. "Denisse!" Niall called from the kitchen. "Yes, Niall?" I asked. "Come here please!" He called. I laughed and walked into the kitchen. "What do you want?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his waist. "I wanted you." he whispered. I laughed and he kissed me. "Your laugh is so cute, Denisse." he told me. "You're cute." I replied, kissing his nose. "Do you want to go somewhere?" He asked. "Like where?" I asked. "Hmm.... I don't know." he replied. I laughed and said, "Sure!" he laughed, and then took my hand. I hope Emily and Harry are doing okay. I miss Emily. Niall took my hand and led me outside.
I looked at the houses as we walked by. It's so beautiful here. All the houses aren't too big, not too small, perfect. All of the people are so nice too. "Wanna go to the park?" Niall asked. "Sure, why not?" I said. He smiled and took my hand. We swung our intertwined hands as we walked, smiling and laughing together. He laughed at everything, like me. "Denisse, who's your favourite Princess?" Niall asked me, as we walked into the gate of the park.
There was fireflies and the lights in the park made it better. I thought for a moment. "Hmmm... I don't know, actually. Who's yours?" I asked him. He smiled and looked away, and then looked at me blushing. "You're my princess." he said, squeezing my hand a little. "Awh, I love you, Nialler." I said, smiling. "I love you too, Denisse." he replied. Then he kissed me. We stayed in the park for about an hour or so, and Renee got hungry. "Wanna go home?" Niall asked me, right after his stomach growled. "You read my mind." I replied smiling. We got up and started walking home.
After we ate, Niall's phone started ringing. "Harry's calling...?" He said, raising an eyebrow. "Put it on speaker." I said quietly. He put it on speaker, and we heard Harry sobbing. "Ni-Niall!" Harry sobbed. "Harry! What's wrong?" Niall asked Harry, looking at me with the same look I was giving him. "She- We- us w-were dr-driving a-and...." Harry sobbed. "Who?" I asked. "Me and-and E-Emily!" he sobbed.
Oh my god, IS MY EM EM HURT?! OH HELL. Then he continued, "She-She. Car.- head." he sobbed. "What? Mate, we can't understand you." Niall said. "Just c-come here!" Harry sobbed. Then we heard the phone drop and Harry scream, almost like a blood curdling scream, horrified, terrified.
"Lets go." I said, hanging up the phone and putting my jacket on. Niall follow me out to the car and we drove to Harry's house. It was about an 2 hour drive, but It was worth it.