I don't actually know where Im going, I just need to clear my head. I think I might go to Italy. I drove to the airport and parked in the parking lot. I got out of the car and opened the back door, getting my suitcase out. I put some sunglasses on because the sun was bright, and shut the doors. I sighed and stuffed my sweatshirt in my carry-on because it was really hot. I stepped into the airport, and a breeze blew on me. It was refreshing but also cold. It felt good though.
I need a shower... I guess I'll just take a shower when I get to the hotel I'm going to stay at. I walked up to the check out counter and a older looking woman, maybe 25-30, looked up at me. "One ticket to Italy please." I said softly. She nodded and told me how much it was, and I paid her. She handed me my vouchers, and my tickets and I thanked her and left. I started walking towards the escalator and stepped on. I looked around and saw one of those things where it tells you when your flight takes off.
My flight went off at 2:30pm, so I looked at my watch and it read, "2:00pm". I guess I'll get some food in my system, since I haven't aten in such a long time. I feel so bad for doing that to Emily, I don't get why she would forgive me so easily like that... Oh well, she must really love me then? I sighed and walked to the nearest restaurant, and waited in line. I only had to wait about 3 minutes, before I was up in front f the counter lady. "How may I help you?" she asked. "I'll just have a turkey sandwhich please." I said, handing her seven dollars. "Okay, thank you." she replied, giving me a smile. About 5 minutes later, she handed me the sandwhich and smiled at me once again. I returned the smile and walked over to a table and sat down.
It felt so good to eat something. Once I was done, I checked the time again. '2:17pm' it read. I sighed and got up, thanking the lady again. I walked down the long terminal hallway and looked out the window, so many planes out there. A few minutes later, a voice on the loud speaker said, "Flight to Italy, taking off in 5 minutes." I walked a bit faster and finally found where t plane would be taking off from. I sat down next to some girl that looked about 20, she was pretty, but not as pretty as Emily.
When the loud speaker lady said, "Flight to Italy, passengers now board," I got up and walked to the door. I handed the lady my boarding pass and she scanned it, and it was clear. She handed it back to me and I have her a small smile, before heading to the plane. My seat was 1D. I found it and put my carry-on up on the top storage cubby and sat down. "Please, fasten your seat belt. We'll be landing in Italy in 6 hours." the loud speaker said. SIX HOURS. Wow.
I did my seat belt and looked out the window. I saw a whole bunch of people with orange vests and black pants getting ready for the take off. I leaned my head back and the plane started to move. I closed my eyes and then the plane got ready to take off. Soon enough, I felt the plane lift off of the ground and all of the other people and I were in the air. It was such a long flight, it was a good thing that I had my iPod, so I could listen to music. I turned it on and listened to music, and then Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran came on. A tear rolled down my cheek, just remembering when I sang this to Emily. I miss her so much.
When the plane finally was on the ground again, I decided to look for a hotel to stay in for a week or so. It was really sunny here and I loved it. I swept some hair out of my face and sighed, trying to look for a shop where I might get a map of where the hotels were. I didn't see any shops, so I decided to walk. I got my suitcase and started walking down th sidewalk, past a beach where there were many people and their kids in the water swimming, or on the sand playing. I sighed and imagined how it would be like to have children with Emily. I hummed a little tune that randomly pooped into my brain, and about 20 minutes later, I finally came to a shop. I opened the door, and a little bell went off signaling that the door opened.
"Welcome!" a mad said, giving me a smile. I smiled back and waved. "Um, hi, could I maybe get a map?" I asked. He nodded and smiled once again, pointing to a shelf at the back of the shop. I thanked him and walked over to it, looking at the maps. I found one that was I English and picked it up. I walked back over to the counter, and set it down. He nodded and said, "Fifteen dollars please." I fished my wallet out of my pocket and pulled out fifteen dollars. I handed him the money and watched him put it in the register, and then I thanked him again and left. The little bell went off again, and I chuckled. I sighed and opened the maps and I saw a hotel straight away. I looked up at the shop I was at, "Beauty Within", and found it on the map. There was a hotel just 20 minutes away. I smiled to myself and put the map in my pocket. I finally found a hotel and walked in, a cool breeze blowing on me as I opened the door.
This hotel wasn't really fancy or poorly, it was just perfect. "Hello, sir. How may I help you?" a woman asked, smiling at me politely. "Um, yes, hi. I'd like to stay here for a week or so." I said. She nodded and cleared her throat. "Okay, so how many people are with you?" she asked. "Just me." I replied. Aw nodded and typed something in her computer. "Okay, you're going to be in room 213 on floor 3, here are your keys. Have a nice stay!" she smiled. I smiled and waved to her. "Thanks." I said, taking the keys. I walked to the elevator and pushed floor 3, and got in. When the light was on Floor 3, the doors opened and I walked out. I looked at the numbers on the doors as I walked by. 209, 210, 211, 212, ah here it is, 213. I slid the key through the door and opened it. I set my suitcase by the dresser and flopped down on the bed, exhausted. I sighed and stayed there for about 10 minutes, before I decided to take a shower. I walked to the bathroom, getting undressed as I did. I threw my clothes on the bathroom floor, before turning the water to hot and turning it on. I stepped under the water and grabbed the tiny shampoo bottles they always have in hotels.
I washed my hair and then my body, and then I felt a cool breeze. Almost like that one night where Emily came in and joined me in the shower after I got done with business with he father, but no, it was just the air conditioner. I sighed and let the warm water run through my curls and down my back. I stood there for about 5 minutes, and then got out and turned the water off. I slipped on a pair of boxers and crawled under the blankets, wishing Emily would crawl in beside me and cuddle with me like she usually does, but no. I sighed again and turned over, falling into a dreamless sleep.