Inkfall x Depressed! Agent 4! Reader [ANGST]

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A/n: Featuring some of my artwork up above ~(^_^)~

WARNING: Foul Language, Splatoon 2 Single Player Boss Spoilers, Angst



It's all your fault.

Out if breath, and completely drenched in DJ Octavio's slimy, bright purple ink, you looked up for one last glance at the corrupt squid that had ruthlessly destroyed you and Marie.


Because of her and Octavio, you were about to say goodbye to everything.


On your knees, you looked up at Callie in tears. She proudly stood, all high and mighty, DJ Octavio snickering beneath her, the wretched hypno shades blinding her of her own chaos.

Struggling for air as you tightened your once firm grip on your hero shot, you looked over at Marie and Sheldon.

Marie held a weak, plank-like posture as she looked at Octavio with eyes of pure rage, and sadness for Callie, she turned to Sheldon before looking at you.

"... Agent 4..."

"I- I'm sorry..." you managed to whimper with glossy eyes, looking away as purple dripped all over your crouching form, "I'm such a failure..."

"... Go..."

"... Wha..?"

You looked at her sympathetically, and with confusion, before realizing she had pushed you onto the launch pad, which was a mere meter away from your fallen form.

"M-Marie! Sheldon..!"


"Ngh!" you cried as your crumbled body hit the ground with great force, it had not been a good fall- or jump.

You brought yourself up, carrying your hero shot with you, purple ink dripping everywhere, in your underwear due to the crushing attacks, before taking in your surroundings.

It was late, maybe 9:30 PM?

Other than the surprising emptiness and serenity of the place, something caught your interest.

It was a neighborhood.

Inkfall's neighborhood.

You bit your lip as you got up into a crouching position, hot tears piercing your cold skin as they rolled down your cheeks. Why were you such as failure? You couldn't save Callie. Or protect Marie and Sheldon... You failed the mission. Failure. Now you were gonna crawl to your childhood friend Inkfall for help? Pathetic... Pathetic...! He doesn't even know you're Agent 4! And when he does...

You kept sobbing, your silent cries giving sound to the empty neighborhood. Unconsciously, you painfully got up and trudged towards Inkfall's house. You hesitantly knocked on the door, purple ink attacking Inkfall's neat front porch, you suddenly woke up.

'Wh-what am I doing...? Why am I at Inkfall's-'


Gasping, you hurried to cover up your Hero Headset, it being the only thing exposing your occupation- of course with the stake of showing off your underwear. It ached, but you managed.

His eyes widened.

"... (Y- (Y/n)...?"

"Uh-uhm..." you muttered, about to explain, but the warm tears rolling down your soft cheeks stopped you.

"You're drenched!"

"Heh..." you sheepishly mumbled, still covering your Hero Headset and exposing your body, "... I guess... you're not letting me in then... right...?"

"Uh- well..." he looked unsure, but examined your ruined figure a little.

You were struggling to keep your hands up to cover your 'ears,' as if hiding something. (You are.) Bright (e/c) eyes once screaming with passion, now dull and silent. Your (f/c) tentacles were drenched in purple ink, soaking it. You sheepishly looked away, embarrassed as tears fell down your cheeks, your underwear exposed. Your soft, delicate (s/c) skin was soaked in rough, purple ink like your tentacles. Your cracked open ink tank hung low on your back, completely out of ink. Your hero shot lay on the ground, perhaps more helpless than you? Your legs trembled, showing vulnerability and insecurity, asking for help. Inkfall couldn't help but blush- and help you out.

But that's when you broke.

"I- I'm sorry..!" you cried in sorrow, letting go of your Hero Headset, revealing them as you lunged for Inkfall, engulfing him in a giant, wet and inky hug, knocking him over as he fell back into his own home, slamming his butt onto the floor as you buried your soaked face into his chest. "...I'm a total failure..!"

"(Y- (Y/n)?! What do you mean?!" Inkfall asked, taken aback as he blushed a bright light blue. His own arms were pleading for him to hug you. "You're getting me all dirty!"

He struggled to break free, but your weak, but captivating grip kept him in. He looked at you once more, before furrowing his eyebrows and letting it slide.

"Hey," he began, finally getting up, as he lent his hand to bring you up. Accepting the kind gesture, though in tears, you weakly brought yourself up. "... You're not a failure," Inkfall argued, grabbing onto your ink-covered, weak arms before they could climb back up to cover up your Hero Headset.

"Yes I am..!" you argued back, crying as you looked up at the now-dirty Inkfall, "...I-I'm wearing a Hero Headset... I'm drenched in enemy ink and I'm sobbing like a fucking baby... What do you think that means...?"

Inkfall's eyes widened, you were a part of The New Squidbeak Splatoon... Working alongside Callie and Marie... Agent 3 and-Why didn't you tell him..?

"Not only did I fail a mission..." you began, your voice rising as you recklessly threw your eroded, wet Headset onto Inkfall's clean floor. "Hey! My floor-"

"I-I lost to DJ Octavio! Callie might work for the octarians forever!" you screamed, pinning Inkfall to the wall, startling him.


"M-Marie and Sheldon... they..." you began, about to crumble once more.

"Hey," Inkfall began, firmly placing his grip onto your bare shoulders, gaining dominance once more, "We should get you washed up... Is that... all you have...?"

He pointed to your underwear, looking away.

You groaned, blushing a bright (f/c) as you struggled to cover up as much of your body as you could.

"... Y-yeah..."

Inkfall sighed, before deciding, "You go take a shower- you know where that is... I'll clean this up... And get you clothes."

Eyeing your retreating figure as you nodded, he froze once he heard you mumble;

"I should have drowned myself in Octavio's ink."

A/n: End used to be; "I should'VE drowned myself in Octavio's ink," but it was 999 words, so we need to make it 1000 ya know.

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