Mask x Emperor Sibling! Reader

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Requested by salty_peppermint


Casually promenading away from your house, 3DS and games with you, you were immediately stopped by a sharp voice.

"Where are you going, (Y/n)?"

Rolling your eyes, you turned to brother, Emperor.

"I'm just going to Mask's house to play video games," you calmly explained, shrugging.

Noticing his left eye twitch as the mention of your best friend, you stifled a face of disappointment.

"Stop being so overprotective," you ordered, smirking as you were about to deliver a point that justifies eVeRyThInG you do.

"I'm older than you."

Stumbling back a bit, as it was sUcH a good point, Emperor declared that he allowed it.

But that didn't matter, since you had already left.



--Time Skip--

Finally making it to Mask's house like ten minutes later, you lightly knocked, knowing his house didn't have a doorbell so some dumb reason.

Eyeing the door as it creaked open, you expected to see Mask.

And you did see Mask.

"Hello sir, I was wondering if you'd like to talk about jEsUs cHrIsT?"

Lightly snickering as he gestured for you to come in, you couldn't help but notice an opened bag of honey buddha chips and Dr. Pepper on the ground. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (i saw a chance for a Mystic Messenger reference and i took it don't hate me)

"Did you eat lunch yet?" you asked, noticing his Nintendo Switch was on, and not fast asleep...

"Hyuk, noo," the cyan inkling answered, his speech slurred as he gently closed the door.

"Althooughh," Mask continued, heading for his kitchen as you followed, "I diid prepare some luunch... Did youu eat?"

Stomach grumbling in a very cliche manner, you sweatdropped, "Nope."

"Wee can eaat togetheerr theen," Mask suggested, gesturing for you take a seat in his small dinner table-- of which you happily obliged.

"What'd you make?" you peppily asked, watching as he placed two cups of ramen of which carried forks within them on the table. "Figured..."

Sitting across from you, and pulling the cup closer to him, you realized that this would be a perfect chance to see his face without his mask!

Eyeing him in anticipation, he obviously noticed.

"Hyuk... Whaat do youu want, (Y/nn)?"

Slightly blushing (f/c), you honestly explained yourself, "I'm curious how you look without your mask."






^(feel free to name those dots, i saw that in another fanfic it was funny what ppl came up with lol)

Watching as he sweatdropped, you intently watched as he carefully took off his mask.


"Theere... doone."


Outraged with how quickly he finished his ramen, you moved beside him and towered over his cup, "YOU EVEN DRANK ALL THE SOUP!?? YOU'LL GET HICCUPS!!"

Chuckling as he silently got up, he threw the cup away and the fork in the sink.

Sighing as he haphazardly began to wash the single fork, you settled back down to your seat and began to quickly chow down.

"(Y/nn), whaat tiime are you goiing hoome?" Mask asked, finishing the washing of the single fork.


"Iit's 12:26..."

"Heheh, you know Emperor," you explained, "Overprotective little brother."

"Iiit's probaably because youur a giirl."

"That sounds sexist..."

"I thiink it iis."

Snickering, you finished up your ramen and did just what Mask did with his.

"Iii'll waashh it for youu," Mask decided, pushing you away from the sink.

"Eh? But I can..."

Realizing he was ignoring you, you gave him a soft sweet smile, of which he noticed without you knowing.

"What should we do when you're done?" you asked, soon realizing he was already done soon after, "Smash? Pokemon battle?"

"Smaash I gueess..." he haphazardly answered, motioning for the switch.

Joining him, you played against each other for an eternity.

--Time Skip--

"(Yy/n), what tiime is iit?"

"Are you an idiot?" you asked, leaning in closer to him, causing you both to slightly blush. "If you push the home button, it shows the time..." Doing as said, you drank some Dr. Pepper in the process, but soon spat it all out.

"1:02 AM--"

"Uuhh (Y/nn)..."

"Wha--" your (e/c) orbs widened, "I--I'm sorry!"

You spat all the Dr. Pepper on Mask...

"I'll taake a showeer..." Mask mumbled, getting up, trotting towards the bathroom.

"Uh, yeah! And I'll go home I guess," you decided, packing up. "Bye!"

Running out in embarrassment, you soon thought about how Emperor would kill you.

'bUt iM oLdEr!!111'


Turning to the voice of your younger brother of which lingered in the streets if Inkopolis at 1 AM, your eyes widened.

"Woah! Empy, why are you outside at this hour?" you asked, shocked.

"Why were you boy's house at this hour?" Emperor deadpanned, "Anyway... you're red... did something happen?"

"I spilled soda on him," you mumbled Emperor not hearing you. "What?"

"... and made him wet."



"That is no way to treat an empress."


A/n: wHy iS tHiS sHorT?? iDk

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