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Summer of 1918

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Summer of 1918

         THE BRIGHT SUN SHINED through the glass windows, illuminating the room with it's rays. It was in the early morning, having only past six when the young crimson haired girl stirred. The light cascading upon her face.

The girl opened her eyes, rubbing them in an attempt to reawaken her body. Her ears being briefly familiar with the sounds of machines beeping. She glanced up, her eyes dancing around the room.

In the far right of the cube sized room was an enchanted watering can tending to the ever so ordinary ferns. Cabinets hugged the room as it was filled with a diversity amount of potions and medicine. The walls were painted with a dull color of peach, that made even the happiest of people feel gloomy. But somehow, the girl never minded the wallpaper, having already been used to seeing them.

Sitting up, she tossed her legs to the side, having to grab the metal bars on the bed to help her balance. With tubes still leached onto her skin, she lightly tugged the canister that was attached to the machine. The young girl sluggishly walked to the right of the room, pausing the worn radio that had been playing music. Jazz was her grandmother's favorite genre.  Through childhood she recalled to always having it played in the background of her home. Having it play throughout the room made her feel a sense of security.

Rolling the canister to the edge of the room her eyes glazed upon the scene before her.

Trees swayed to the wind, their leaves falling ever so gently. Sets of grey buildings placed upon the next. Having it only be dawn, young and old doctors made there way inside, coffee in hand. Patient after patient being reeled into the hospital. People bustling in to visit their loved ones. It was a sight to see.

She lightly smiled. The window served as a getaway from the boring room she was placed in. It's not like she wasn't allowed to go out, but the nurses firmly said it would be a risk in her condition. The girl knew if she didn't follow through, her grandmother would send a howler saying to always take the safe route. Not wanting to feel her grandmother's wrath, she took the latter. But oh, did she feel the longing for the sun to be on her skin outside, rather than inside.

A firm knock to the door startled the dazed girl from her thoughts. She turned to be met with a familiar set of chocolate brown eyes.

"Dreaming about cauldron cakes again Winnie?"

"Ha Ha, very funny Lucy." Winona joked as she gazed at the nurse before her. "Although, having cauldron cakes for breakfast does sound very appetizing." she smiled, but immediately falling into silence when she saw Lucinda pushing a cart filled with an assortment of potions. Specifically potions for her to consume.

"You know I would sneak you some if I could, but Flabbergast has been breathing down our necks since the first world war." the raven haired girl sighed, proceeding to fix up the portions of medicine to be given to the ill girl.

Winona walked feverishly to Lucinda whom handed the girl various cups of liquids that that was supposed to 'boost' her body. They were all a peculiar color, looking as intimidating as ever. She looked silently at them all, already knowing the common procedure. With a heavy sigh, she downed them all. Of course, gagging at that last potion that tasted like dung beetles and rice nuts. "Always hated that one," the girl whispered, shaking her head as she made a face of discomfort.

Lucinda laughed, as she heard her curse under her breath."Well, I'd say it's a rice way to start your day, don't you think?" the auburn haired girl only looked at her as if she grew three heads. She took her head, "How many times am I going to hear the same lame pun every time you come into this room?"

"Ok, totally not hurt that you just insulted my pun. But as long as I'm your main nurse, you're stuck with it, I guess." Lucy smiled innocently.

Winona was her favorite patient to care for, as they weren't far off an age difference so that made them understand each other to an extent. Lucinda attended Hogwarts four years above Winona and vaguely remembers the fiery auburn hair always in the library studying with what she thought was her boyfriend. But the thought quickly diminished, as she never thought anything of it as she didn't know her then. But she often wished Winona was in her year at Hogwarts, as she graciously says that they would've made the best pairing.

"Oh, how lucky I am for you to be my nurse." Winona said as she took a swig of water desperate to rid of the aftertaste. After what could be thousands of attempts to drink the horrid potions, she never really got used to the taste.

Lucinda gazed to the side of her, feeling a sense of sympathy for the young girl whose body basically depended on these potions. She knew how horrible wizard potions tasted, and wouldn't think twice to drink it if she were ever sick. But, having to drink dozens of them everyday in Winona's case, she would never wish upon anyone. Yet, the pale girl standing in front of her, downed them all in one latch. How amazed and proud she felt at how strong the young girl was.

"Oh, that reminds me. Your aunt Marly dropped this at the front the other day, she says it's from someone special." the nurse hurriedly scavenged around the enchanted cart that held a never ending amount of storage. It was a few minutes until Lucy's patience wore thin as she frustratedly snatched her ivory wand and muttered "Accio".

"Ah, hear it is. Oh, what lovely flowers they are! Your aunt said it was charmed so they wouldn't wilt." she smiled as she handed it to the curious girl whom had moved to sit on the side of her bed.

In the frail girl's hands held a blue colored pot that occupied a home to vanilla like Gardenias.

"Would you care to tell me who this 'special' someone is? Or do I have to bribe you with jelly slugs?"

She of course wasn't related to an aunt named Marly, but she had a woman in mind that she considered to be. And that only sparked her curiosity and delight.

As she was about to express the thoughts running through her head. Her pale hand clasped to her mouth, and audible gasp heard throughout the room. On the table to the left of her, a moving picture of a familiar set of eyes caught her attention.

The ocean blue eyes that held so many memories shined brightly, almost piercing right through her. Oh, how many times she's fell into it's abyss. With a noticeable ghost smile, etching it's way to her mouth. She turned to the questioning nurse and spoke with admiration
"I may have an idea who sent the flowers."

Thus before her, on the cover of the infamous Daily Prophet held the words and picture of a man that never failed to make her heart skip a beat.

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