Chapter 1: Forget About Him

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Kirishima had changed quite a bit, but not really. He was still insecure, although he didn't show it. After all that would be unmanly right? He dyed his hair shortly after getting into UA high as well. His only friend from middle school didn't even notice him at first. He found it kind of amusing.

"Hey Kiri- come sit with me." Mina said motioning him to his soon to be friends Denki Kaminari, Kyouka Jirou, and Sero Hanta. All in all he had fooled them pretty well. His smile looked so genuine no one could deny Kirishima looked happy to be here. He was happy to be here mostly.

The morning was off to a great start, but it didn't stay that way for too long. He was here. The red head's immediate response was to run. The ash blonde looked pissed at the whole world and he obviously didn't notice Kirishima. Eijirou wondered if when he saw him last Bakugou didn't like him. He wouldn't blame him. He didn't like who he was either.

He sighed and thought of how he was going to change himself. His appearance had already been altered. The red head was lost in thoughts completely. "Hey weird hair- what the hell are you looking at? Got a problem?" The ash blonde said. It was only then he noticed he had been staring at Katsuki. "Huh..? Oh no man! Not at all I was just trying to read the board-" he said trying to make his voice a little more enthusiastic sounding to avoid him possibly remembering.

"Whatever-" Katsuki said turning back around. Kirishima just sighed. Bakugou was admittedly good-looking. Hell, compared to all the guys in class he was definitely a contender for the hottest guy in year one. This only worried Kirishima more. It wasn't unheard of that people strayed away and dated people other than their soulmate. What if Katsuki didn't like him because he was a guy?

The blonde felt something was off he turned around to see one of his new classmates staring at him. 'What a fucking weirdo..' he thought, feeling off still. Yeah that 'weirdo' was kind of cute, but hell they didn't know each other. It was freaking him out.

The only people he had even heard from or knew of were his soulmate, because he for whatever reason still wrote to him. He knew he didn't deserve whoever it was and had debated asking for their name for the past year, but couldn't. The only other person he talked to was Deku or Izuku Midoriya, who he went to middle school and grade school with. He wasn't very fond of him in all honesty.

Class was boring and he was relieved when the bell for lunch rang. The blonde got up when suddenly he was faced with that red headed loser. "Hey Bakugou-! Wanna eat with us?" The slightly shorter smiled. Damn that smile. It was too damn bright. "How the hell do you know my name shitty hair?" Bakugou was skeptical. Did he have a stalker?

The red head just shrugged and tried desperately to cover up that mistake. "Heh- when Mr. Aizawa called the roll duh-" Katsuki furled his eyebrows, finally getting a better look at the other teen. His eyes were familiar. He admittedly liked them. There were red, almost crimson. His eyes were just like his own in a way.

"Fine whatever- beats sitting next to some other losers I guess. What's your name?" Bakugou said saying it more like a command then a question. "Me? I'm Kirishima Eijirou- Call me Kiri." He smiled sweetly. "-and this is Kaminari, Jirou, Ashido, and Hanta. They're pretty cool people." He said as they started walking and introducing themselves again to each other. Bakugou would never admit it, but he kind of liked the idea of 'friends'.

The rest of the day was a blur. Bakugou was invited to go with the others to Kaminari's house to hang out, but he refused reverting to his old ways. Kirishima was still oddly throwing him off. He caught the red head just before he was about to leave to meet the others in front of the entrance gate.

The slightly shorter stopped dead in his tracks when he felt the taller of the two grab him. He felt a slight burning feeling spread across his cheeks as he looked at the ash blonde. "Cut the crap Kirishima- Where have I seen you before?" The red head just shook his head in disbelief. He couldn't know right? He had to lie. "I don't think we've met.. Maybe the entrance exams? I sit at the park near school a lot." He smiled way too awkwardly.

Bakugou let go and Kirishima was still a blushing mess. He just lied to his soulmate. Eijirou had good reasons. He was scared of rejection and Bakugou looked the type to be straightforward with him. "Whatever shitty hair- Go have fun with the other losers." Bakugou walked away and it took a lot not to grab him and just tell him. "See ya Bakubro! You should come with next time!" He said waving and laughing as he caught up with his friends. The next few weeks were definitely a trip. Kirishima stopped writing, and Bakugou was distraught.
//here's another bad chapter

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