Final Chapter 25: I Will Always Love You

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I had to go after Katsuki. I somehow knew that if I wasn't there something bad was going to happen to him. I was scared out of my mind. I would've given anything to have been back in my old dorm, cuddling with Katsuki and watching movies or playing video games. I remember Kami, Jirou, and Sero always barging in and joining us. Then Mina and sometimes Midoriya and Uraraka would join us. I missed all of that. I missed us.

Every single day I was away from them was an absolute living hell. The League would torture me physically, but I could handle that. Breaking physically wasn't the problem. Mental torture was worse. I constantly feared for my classmates and family. One of the villains had a quirk that caused hallucinations. I guess I'll leave it to you to put two and two together, but Katsuki dying and getting hurt felt so real. It still haunts me to this day and it probably always will.

I was going as fast as I could when I saw Midoriya and Katsuki fighting All For One. It was insane. My other classmates were either injured or paralyzed in fear. That's when I saw what I feared. My body started moving on its own.

I felt bad about leaving Eijirou, but I needed to help Deku or he surely would've gotten himself killed. I ran full force and caused a huge explosion. If this kept up for too long, I would surely be in trouble. Where the hell were the pro heroes at!? This was an absolute ducking mess. I let my guard down and got hit by some huge chunks of cement. My whole body felt like a big bruise, but I got up again and pushed Deku out of the way of a fatal shot. "Thanks Kachan!" He yelled and threw the final punch. "Smaaaaaaaaash!" Deku yelled and essentially blew All For One away. "Holy shit.. we did it!" I yelled happily.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Eijirou running up to me and Deku. What the hell was he doing? He was not supposed to be moving. "Eiji..!?" I yelled out before he dived and threw me and Deku out of the area. There was a flash of white before All For One's body disappeared. I guess this was One For All and all the other villains last fuck you. Eijirou must have known that this would happen. He knew all along I bet. I couldn't see Eijirou. In an absolute panic I ran into the light and watched as it cleared up. I was horrified with the sight. There he was all bloody and on the ground. My body collapsed near him and I just held him as if I knew this was the end.

Bakugou was holding onto his soulmate tightly. Kirishima was just smiling. The sad thing was that it wasn't fake. The ash blonde was horrified. "Eiji.. Eijirou!" He screamed, hoping for a response. Tears had seemed to sting both of their eyes. "Katsuki.. I think- I think I messed up." The dark haired teen said closing his eyes, with that brilliant, beautiful smile still on his face. "No no no no no! Eijirou please don't do this! Stay with me.. I need you! Don't leave me please!! I just got you back!!" Bakugou had started to scream. "Shh.. Suki please smile.." Kirishima said fighting really hard to keep his eyes open. "Just for me.. one more time.." he whispered.

Midoriya had ran up to them both and started shaking it seemed. The green haired teen knew Kirishima's wounds were fatal. He wanted to give them space. He was grateful for this. He wished he could tell Kirishima thank you, but these last few moments needed to be just them. "Help! Someone please help.." Bakugou chokes out as Kirishima had closed his eyes again. "Eiji no..! I'll smile- please just one more time!! Open your eyes!!" Bakugou shakily smiled as the former red head opened his eyes.

His vision was blurry, but he could see it. "I love you Suki.. don't wait for me.." he whispered before closing them permanently. "I love you Eijirou! I love you.. so much.." he whispered and kissed his forehead before he felt his soulmate's body go limp. He cried till he hardly had a voice. "I'll wait forever you idiot.."


I would be lying if I didn't think about killing myself after you died you know? That would be so unmanly and I know you'd never forgive me if I did. I still think about you endlessly some days. Your gorgeous smile is stained into my mind. My first love, please know that I'm doing okay and I'm really sorry I didn't come back sooner. I didn't get to be the number one hero like I used to go on about in high school, but that's okay. Helping and saving people makes me happy. It's something you always went on about. I regret so very much Eijirou. After you died, the color disappeared. All I can see is red. It's quite ironic. If you're in heaven right now or maybe if you're listening to me ramble on, please know that I love you Eijirou.

"If we ever meet again, I will make it up to you I promise. Don't wait up on me either okay? What am I saying?" I started tearing up as I noticed I was talking out loud now. I might as well finish. "I bought you a bouquet.. Shouto and Izuku helped me pick it out. They're actually red daisies.. It's the only color I can see now.. I guess it's true that you start losing a sense when your soulmate dies. It's sad, but it's proof that we really loved each other.." I said starting to cry my eyes out. This happened every year on October 16th. You would've been 23, and I'm sure we would've been married by now. I sighed heavily and dried my face. You would've wanted a smile, so I smiled happily and remembered everything I loved about you.

I said it before, but I really mean it. You'll always be my hero Eijirou Kirishima.

//okay I bawled my eyes out writing this. I'm sorry in advance but this is the end asides from the epilogue. There will be a sequel book coming out this month, so please look forward to it. Feel free to hate me for this one guys. This started out super bitter sweet then I just messed it up with angst. Thank you so much for reading c':

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