Chapter 10: Girls

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After getting Kirishima's present and some junk for my parents I saw tape dispenser and Pikachu walking around with a bunch of bags. I only glared at them and they took that as their cue to come over and annoy me. "Bakubro! What's up?" Kaminari said waving as Sero followed. "Tch- nothing really.. Just shopping for people I guess." I said hoping they wouldn't ask too much. "Oh damn we are too." Sero said swinging one of the bags they had. "Yep- we got Kiri to distract all the girls for us!" Kaminari said all cheery. "Pfft- so that's what he's up to." I said sounding pissed, but I really wasn't. Kirishima definitely didn't like girls. Before I could say anything else my two 'idiot' friends pulled me along to shop more. What a pain..

The girls were relentless to say the very least. Before I knew it my hair was down and I think Mina was trimming it. "Mina seriously is this all necessary?! I like my hair spiked up.." I said almost pouting. Eventually Jirou and Hagakure joined in too. Legit all the girls in Class 1-A were surrounding me now. "Kiri of course it is- We're going for a soft look." Mina said finishing up with his hair. "Bakugou is seriously gonna be speechless!" Hagakure squealed. "I guess if you really think so.." I said probably blushing a bit over the thought. I really hoped whatever the girls did would make him happy.

"Okay now it's totally my turn." Jirou said smiling. "I do Denki's makeup all the time, so don't worry I'll make you look like one of those k pop stars." She winked. "Woah your skin is actually really soft Kiri! Jealous.." Momo smiled as Jirou and the other girls agreed. "That's good right?" Kirishima tilted his head. "Well yeah-" Uraraka smiled and giggled. "Okay close your eyes." Jirou said putting on eyeliner and mascara. Kirishima's skin was flawless, so just a light concealer was good enough. Momo take a nude shade of lip gloss and painted his lips.

The red head was really pretty. "Okay Kiri I think you're pretty much done!" Mina held up a little mirror and he kind of liked it. "Wait wait! One last touch!" Hagakure said adding a little blush, although Kirishima really didn't mean it, with how much he already did naturally. "Well Kiri I think you're gorgeous-" Mina said holding the mirror up again. "You're really pretty Kirishima." Momo said nodding. "For sure! I'm a little jealous." Hagakure giggled. "Jeez.. you guys are killing me with compliments. This is so not manly." Kirishima smiled and cupped his own cheeks. "Nah you're still pretty manly." Uraraka said putting her hand on his shoulder.

Meanwhile with the guys~

"GOD DAMN IT! ARE YOU IDIOTS DONE YET!?" Bakugou yelled as he tried getting Denki and Sero out of the damn arcade they somehow ended up at. "Yeah yeah hold up Bakubro- I'm about to score against Sero." Denki said losing air hockey for the fifth time in a row against Sero. "Okay- Yeah I think Denki is done losing today." Sero said smiling triumphantly. "Fucking about time.." Bakugou said finally making his way back to the dorms with his friends. "What'd you get Kiri?" Sero asked curiously. "Well.. that's a secret. I'm sure you'll see it after break." Bakugou said looking to the side. "Aw someone's embarrassed." Sero said smirking. "Shut up tape dispenser!! It's not like that!!" The ash blonde said rolling his eyes.

Kirishima was currently talking about Bakugou to the girls and they basically were gushing about how cute and innocent the two of them were. "So like.. you guys only make out right?" Jirou said curiously. "Well yeah.." Kirishima said confused. "That's pretty sweet actually. I guess it's not surprising, Bakugou and Kiri are both um.. How do I put this? Kind of dense?" Uraraka said. "Dense? Like I can't read the mood?" The red head said confused. "Maybe? I just think you guys aren't focused on sexual things really." Uraraka said blushing herself. "Oh- I mean it's not like I don't think about it, but here in the dorms? It seems kind of risky." Kirishima said a blushing mess.

The timing was definitely perfect. The boys walked in and Bakugou's eyes lit up as he saw his boyfriend. Kirishima looked up and blushed a bit embarrassingly. "Holy shit Eiji.." is basically all the blonde could say before picking him up bridal style with all the bags. "I guess I know what you did today." Bakugou teased as all the girls were pretty much fangirling. "So.. you like it then?" Kirishima asked trying not to look directly at his soulmate. "Of course I do, I like you any way. Now your room or mine, because ALL THESE DAMN EXTRAS DON'T KNOW HOW TO MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS!!" Bakugou said intentionally loud. The guys were kinda clueless as the girls just kept giggling. "Pfft- this is our present to you Bakugou." Mina said leading the girls out before winking. "Hope you enjoy it."

Bakugou was pissed and grateful at the same time. He lowkey owed the girls one now. He carried Kirishima to his room and dropped him on the bed. "You're absolutely gorgeous Eiji.." The taller of the two leaned down and kissed the slightly shorter pretty messily. He could taste the strawberry lip gloss on his own lips now as he pulled away to see an awestruck Kirishima flushed. "You don't mind right?" Bakugou said as Kirishima just nodded. He fell on top of the red head and tried his hardest not to get too turned on, but God Kirishima was just so damn hot tonight. Bakugou slipped his hands underneath his boyfriend's shirt and pulled away to take it off. Kirishima just let it happen. The blonde took his own off and pushed against his significant other. He kissed down his face before making his way to the red head's neck. Katsuki kissed and licked his neck before sucking on it and leaving a mark. Kirishima wasn't going to lie, he was getting into it. "Ka- Katsuki.." he moaned out softly.

That went straight to Bakugou's pants for sure, but he didn't want to lose his virginity here and now so he stopped before there was no going back. The blonde smirked and sighed sounding defeated. "I'm sure I'll make you moan my name louder some day." Kirishima stifled a laugh and was still flushed. "Yeah yeah.. sure." He said now cuddling with Bakugou.

"You really are gorgeous Eiji."

//didn't proofread sorrys uwu Christmas special is gonna come out Christmas Eve hopefully

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