Chapter 17: Only For You

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After a few days of his boyfriend being stuck in a coma Katsuki was forced to go back to school. Every day after classes he went back to the hospital. Apparently they had done a blood transfusion and Kirishima had suffered from hypovelemic shock. Bakugou couldn't stand seeing him like this. It hurt so much he couldn't do anything to help other than make sure Kirishima was well taken care of.

Any time I couldn't be with Eijirou in the hospital I was trying to get any information on that bitch with the needles. What the fuck was she going to do with Kirishima's blood? Apparently round face and the frog girl had encountered her when we were at training camp, but there wasn't anything I didn't already know. It was infuriating, but next time I see her I'll definitely kill her and whoever told her to do this. A few days after I got a call that Kirishima woke up in the middle of class. I don't think I had never ran faster in his life.

I woke up extremely fatigued. I wasn't in Bakugou's dorm room and I had no idea if that girl had got him so I started crying and looking for my phone. Luckily and embarrassingly a nurse had come to calm me down. She explained that Katsuki had visited me every day for a week, which is how long I've been asleep. I begged her to call him and so she did. I awaited the return of my prince and found a pen near by, so I decided to write to him something really quick on my hand. 'I'm ok Thank you 4 saving me Suki.' "Perfect.." I whispered and groaned a little. My body had really hurt. I sat up and knew I wasn't going to be able to walk without assistance, so I essentially was leaning against the wall and letting my legs dangle off the bed. I got a response on my arm really quick. 'On my way Eiji.'

I heard a knock and immediately smiled when I saw it was Katsuki. I almost started crying. For him it had been a week without me and I could barely stand a few hours without him. I can only imagine how he felt. Knowing him he probably blamed himself a lot. That's just how Katsuki was. I opened my arms for him to come into and he dropped whatever he was holding and ran into my arms. I fell backwards and he was hovering over me. "Did you miss me that much?" I said looking up at him borderline crying. It was just a relief that villain didn't get to him. I was just so happy.

Katsuki ended up laying next to his boyfriend in the hospital bed. He had sort of tried to kiss and make out with Eijirou, but it was obviously not the right time nor place for that. Kirishima needed help doing just about everything at the moment. Not moving for a week really messed with movement and muscle loss. "I'm gonna have to train super hard to catch up with everyone." The red head said looking down. "You'll be fine Eiji- You're not so easy to go down." Bakugou said looking at his boyfriend. It had only been a week, but Kirishima did look sort of slim compared to his usual appearance. Kirishima shook his head. He felt weak and he didn't know how or if he should tell Bakugou. "I just.. don't feel so well. I feel weak."

"Do you need me to get a nurse?" Bakugou said panicking a little and getting up. "No no- just please don't leave me Katsuki!" The slightly shorter grabbed his arm and was borderline tearing up. "Eijirou.. you know I wouldn't right?" Bakugou said sitting back down. "I know, but..  I was really scared when I woke up without you. I thought maybe that girl had got to you." Kirishima said slowly sitting up. "Look- Eiji, you saved me, but I couldn't do the same. You're here all slim and hurt because I couldn't do the one thing I promised myself I could do.." Bakugou was getting sort of angry with himself. "No no- If something happened to you Katsuki, I wouldn't be able to live anymore. My heart would break and I wouldn't know what to do without you." The slightly shorter said flushing red out of frustration and embarrassment now.

Bakugou got up and sighed. Was he even worthy of having someone so devoted to him around? "I don't deserve you Eiji." He whispered. Kirishima got up slowly and stood up only to fall onto his boyfriend's back. "No, you do. You deserve me and I deserve you." Bakugou turned around and held up Kirishima. The red head smiled sweetly at the blonde. "This is just a minor inconvenience after all. If you're going to become the number one hero some day then I'm going to have to work that much harder to keep up with you." The shorter said leaning onto the slightly taller. "You're right Eiji- I'll be right here with you. Anything you need or want just leave it to me." The taller said kissing Kirishima's forehead. "You really should rest though Eiji.." Bakugou frowned looking at the IV still in his boyfriend's arm.

"Oh- I bought you some stuff from your room." Bakugou said picking up the bag he dropped earlier. "I'm sure you want to change out of that hospital gown right?" Kirishima nodded in response. "I really do- actually. I know we've seen each other naked and all but it's still embarrassing to ask this. Can you help me get dressed?" Kirishima said flushing pink. "Sure- and Eiji it's not a big deal." Katsuki smiled as Eijirou sat up and let the gown hit the floor. He was so beat up and full of scars, it almost broke Katsuki's heart. "Okay I'm going to undo the IV and stop it so we can get a shirt on you." Bakugou said doing just that. Along with dressing him the ash blonde took it upon himself to kiss every new bruise like he had done with the old ones a few months ago. "Suki, you're way too sweet." Bakugou rolled his eyes and smiled softly as he slipped a pair of boxers and shorts on Kirishima as well. "Eijirou, I hope you realize to everyone else I'm a jerk." Bakugou laughed a little. "Yeah? Well you're not. You're actually a real dork sometimes." Kirishima smiled back sweetly and hugged Bakugou after he was done dressing him.

"Only for you Eiji-"

//really lazy chapter- next chapter shall be a slight Time Skip so expect plot and a possible school trip to the hot springs uwu I'll throw in some fluff before I make this angsty again

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