Chapter 5: Falling Again

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"Katsuki huh?" Bakugou said sighing and slowly lifting his arms up to hug Kirishima back. "Is that not your name?" The red head said pulling back and looking up a bit nervously now. "Ah.. I mean it is, but it's damn embarrassing!" The ash blonde said avoiding his soulmate's gaze. "Why's that? Aren't we, you know, at least best friends by now?" Kirishima said embarrassed over the misunderstanding.

The slightly taller shook his head. "We kind of are now that I think about it.. but seriously enough with this mushy shit! It ain't my style Kiri." Kirishima smiled happily. "Kiri? Is that what you call me?" Bakugou rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but half the class calls you that anyway. It's not a big fucking deal." Bakugou said maybe a little embarrassed too. "Oh Hmm.. Did I make any friends?" Kirishima said sitting up now as Bakugou sat next to him on the bed. "Yeah- you're pretty popular weird hair."

"Am I really? I mean.. That's hard to-" All of a sudden Denki and Mina rushed in the room with Sero, Midoriya, Todoroki, and a few others from there class. Denki straight up leaned over Bakugou and hugged the red head. "Oh my God Kiri we came as soon as we found out!" Denki said worried. "Um.. Katsuki? I'm assuming these are my friends?" Eijirou said confused. "Yeah weird hair- Stupid Pikachu, Tape Dispenser, Round Face, Icy-hot, Raccoon Eyes and for some reason Damn Deku!" He really stressed Deku's name. "Ohhh?" Kirishima said curiously. "Hello um guys?"

A minute later they all turned to Bakugou. Sero spoke up. "Okay what the hell happened to him?" Bakugou rolled his eyes. "When he fell off the roof he lost his damn memories." "Awww did you tell him to call you Katsuki?" Uraraka giggled. "God damn it no! He decided to do that himself." Just then Kirishima smiled happily. "Yeah because Katsuki and I are sou-" just then he felt Katsuki's hand cover his mouth.

"Uh- we met in middle school once that's how he knows me." The blonde was blushing faintly. Kirishima licked his hand and Bakugou pulled away. "Damn you shitty hair!" The blonde screamed as the red head just giggled. "Hey Mina is that you?" He said a little nervous. "Huh yeah it's me Kiri. You never told me you met Bakugou." Mina said raising an eyebrow. Something was definitely up with Bakugou and Kirishima.

"Well you see- He's my soulmate." He said as his cheeks tinted pink. "Why else would I call him Katsuki?" Kirishima said as Bakugou looked about ready to literally explode. "SHITTY HAIR SHUT UP WILL YA!" Denki and Uraraka were definitely supporters of them getting together, because they were fanboy/girling to the side. "Oh my God I knew it!" Mina shouted as Recovery Girl came back there and kicked them out. "Yo dude text me later Bakubro!" Denki winked and the blonde simply stuck out his tongue and held up his middle finger up.

"Kirishima can go back to his dorm now. There aren't any crutches for today, but Principal Nezu gave me the okay to order you some Kirishima." She said smiling a bit. "Bakugou do you mind bringing him back?" "Yeah sure no problem." He said rolling his eyes and picking Eijirou up bridal style. Kirishima's cheeks flushed red as he tried to look away at first, he only ended up hiding his face in his soulmate's chest.

God damn it. Why did he have to be so freaking cute?! Kirishima or should I just give in and say Eijirou? Eiji was kind of cute actually. Wait wait- Hell no I am not getting all gross and lovey for a guy. He was a special guy though and I feel like I could spend the rest of my life making up for when I wasn't there. "Hey Katsuki- This doesn't look like a dorm I would live in." Kirishima had peeked up from my chest. He was adorable. "It's not- it's my dorm. There's no way in hell I would leave you by yourself with no crutches idiot."

"Thanks Katsuki.." he smiled softly and looked up to the slightly taller as he was put down on his soulmate's bed. "Um.. Katsuki are we dating or should we date?" Bakugou had flushed red. "The thing is- I would date you Kiri- or Eiji.." he blushed profusely. "I would date you even if you weren't supposed to be mine. It's just you don't know me yet or what I did to you or Deku or literally anyone. I'm an asshole and I don't deserve someone so sweet and freaking great like you." The slightly taller said sighing heavily and sitting next to him.

"Don't be so hard on yourself.. I like you and I was really happy to wake up to you holding my hand and being by my side. I've never had anyone like that. That night in the park, I was certain that we would meet again." Kirishima felt tears prick his eyes for whatever reason and Bakugou's first instinct was to hold him tight. "I- I'm sorry I don't know what's wrong. I just- I'm just really grateful you came to the same school as me." Kirishima stuttered out crying and laughing nervously. "Me too.. I'm happy we met again." The blonde said holding the red head tight.

The two of them made eye contact and stared for awhile as the slightly taller wiped away the shorter's tears. "You know maybe we should go on a real date sometime, away from all our annoying friends for a day." Kirishima smiled happily and nodded. "Maybe the mall? I really like the beach too, but it's too cold for that." Bakugou nodded. "Sure the mall will work E- Eiji.." They were both blushing at that point.

"Then tomorrow it'll be you and me."

//hi hi how do ya like slow burn?!

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