Chapter 1

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As of right now, she was dead. Her body lying on a cold metal table, being pampered to be viewed; at least that's what she assumed. She was nowhere near her corpse, not even on Earth but perhaps on the other side, drifting towards what seemed to be nothingness. "So, this is it huh? The place people feared, that had kept them up at night."

It didn't seem that bad to her. In fact, it felt nice. Better than Earth. There wasn't anyone constantly telling you that you shouldn't exist or that you're what's wrong with the world.

Just silence, eternal silence.

She wouldn't necessarily call it a reward. A margarita would be nice but, you've gotta take what you get. It could've been a lot worse, like fire and the horned 'you know who'.

Despite the mild perks, she couldn't help but question if this was it. Even when you're dead, your curiosity is ignited. How human.

"Wait, do I still need to pee or are my bodily function days behind me" she scrunched up her face at the thought.

Being preoccupied with questions that she may or may not get answers to, she hadn't noticed the intricately carved antique, wooden, door that had somehow appeared in front of her, until she bumped into it "This is what I get for questioning shit."

There was nothing much to inspect. She tried moving past the door but it was like if something was obstructing her path, a barrier. The door gradually opened revealing something surrounded by light.

Now at that point, she felt like she had a choice to stay where she was or to move forward.

looking at the endless void behind her, she considered her options as if searching for something to alter her decision.

"Ugh! what the heck. Maybe they've got margaritas."

Following the trail, she got closer to whatever was before her, making out bits and pieces as she went along.

Upon arriving she couldn't believe what she was seeing. It wasn't a 'something' but a someone and they had wings, gigantic wings.

'The person I guess you could call him or her but do angels even have genders?'

'Focus! You're off topic.'

It stood there not saying anything, just staring. Doing a little wave she said hi, but no response was given. Turning, the Angel walked towards a table with two chairs placed on either side that had appeared.

'I'm going to assume it's a he, I don't see any boobs'

Getting comfortable, he gestured to the empty chair before him.

A few minutes had passed by, but nothing was said. She was unable to withstand the awkwardness any longer, you could only avoid eye contact for so long. So, she decided to address the elephant in the room.

"Are you by any chance an angel? I mean I could be wrong, but I don't wanna seem like a racist person. I'm quite open-minded" she blurted out.

"Jesus Chri- I mean what is your name" she mentally face palmed herself at her failed attempt to play it off. So much for not being rude.

He surprisingly didn't address what had happened, but looked at her firmly and proclaimed, "Michael."

He didn't answer the question as to what he was, but given the fact that his name was Michael was too big of a coincidence, given the circumstances.

"As in Archangel Michael?" she leaned forward in her seat, eyeballing him, awaiting his response.


"Wow!, shouldn't you be fighting wars or something?"

"Well that's a long story that I don't want to get in to, but this is not about me. Tell me your story."

Lapping his fingers together, he propped them steadily on the metal like surface. Despite his efforts to create a tranquil environment, it felt like an interrogation. Swallowing most of her nerves she hesitantly echoed "my story?" 

"yes, how did you get here, we both know your dead but I want to know about the little intricate details that led you to this point" Michael explained.

"Don't worry I have got all day, take as much time as you need." he smiled with an assuring voice 

"where do I begin?"

 "the middle, definitely the middle, beginnings is almost always boring." he spouted out swiftly in annoyance.

. . .

Hi everyone I'm new to the whole writing thing and showing people my stories but I hope you enjoyed this chapter  and want more see you soon 

 ~ Alex☆  

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