Chapter 4

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Three months later

Jolting awake, Gwen looked at the vintage clock that was parched on her night stand. It was now seven o'clock, fuck.

Gwen's current alarm clock decided to take the day off today it seems.

Zima would always wake her up before the clock would, so she just shut it off altogether and was done with it. But since he was a no show, all Gwen could do was hope and pray for the best. Even though she had an hour and forty-five minutes to get ready, Gwen would ultimately end up getting side tracked by the slightest thing. She likes to think it's just her mind and body rejecting the day ahead, a never ending reflux.

Managing to get out of the of the apartment before eight, she hurriedly made her way to the bus stop. Glancing at the people who passed her by, something caught her eye. A blurry, rectangular shape appeared over all of their heads. Confused, she rubbed her eyes and stared again but it was still there. She approached the glass of a coffee shop window nearby and inspected her head; nothing was there. From what she had seen so far, she was the only one without the blurry mystery hovering over her.

All the way to her workplace she kept an eye out for anyone like her, but no one stood out. Saying her usual good morning to Garry, the friendly, elderly doorman, she took the elevator the the twelfth floor, heading to her office to start her day.

A Few hours later

On the other side of the door someone knocked, awaiting a response

"Come in."

Without a squeak, the newly repaired door revealed Mr. Wickcome, Gwen's boss.

"Did you finish the background on Mr. Harper's wife? " he inquired.

"Not yet sir. She has a juvenile record that is sealed, but I wouldn't be able to get it in time for the hearing."

"I gave you that last week!"

He didn't shout that loud for it to become the latest news, but just enough to get his point across. He sighed.

"See if you can push for it. If not, then we will have to do without it."

"I will see what I can do sir." her voice going an octave lower.

With a nod, he left.

Turning to the piles of paper on her desk, she put them in alphabetical order and placed them in two stacks. It was about twelve-thirty, Gwen figured it was a good time for lunch.

"Hey Gwen what can I get for you today?" asked Susan

"Chips and barbecue chicken please."

"Coming right up."

Walking back to her usual lunch spot by an old, oak tree, a hand landed on her shoulder giving her a little tap. A little startled she turned to look at the person, she greeted them.

"Oh hey Evie, long time know see. "

"Yeah it's been a while. what have you been up to?"

Gwen didn't give a response. everything around her became silent. The only thing that was in focus was a clock that was hovering over Evie's head. Specifically, one that is counting down.

what the fuck is happening to me, this isn't normal.

Clear distress was shown on her face. Waving her hand, Evie tried to regain Gwen's attention.

"Did you hear me, are you okay?"

Ignoring the psychological break she was having she replied;

"Yes I'm fine."

Gwen knew that Evie wasn't convinced.

"Its ok for real i'm fine." she persuaded her.

"What were you asking me?"

Squinting her eyes she scanned Gwen's face. As if she had decided to letting it go, she replied with a smile.

"I was asking what have you been up to".

"Ohh, uh nothing special. I'm just going home to catch a few episodes of Grace and Frankie or some other show " she shrugged her shoulders.

"Since we haven't gone out together in a while wanna go to Elixir?" Evie transformed into a cute little cat with those widened eyes, trying to make Gwen surrender.

Not lasting long she gave in, another problem Gwen has; saying no.

It's not that she didn't want to go, just that she already had her hands full. Her love hate relationship with her dating apps wasn't exactly the healthiest. She didn't feel the need to add something else to this emotional rollercoaster, but who could say not to that face.

"Yess! I will text you the details."

Gwen shook her head chucking at Evie as she practically skipped away into the building. Now that she was alone, Gwen continued to her destination.  

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