Chapter 3

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As far as dates could go, it could have been worse. Gwen hugged her coat closer to her body, the cold air kissing her exposed skin. Lunging from the bushes, a cat landed a few steps in front of her. Stunned, Gwen took a step back. Recognizing what it was, she couldn't help but let a small squeal escape her lips.

"Good night to you too".

Closing the distance between them, the cat made its way towards her, not being the slightest bit scared. Hesitantly, Gwen shifted her hand hoping to pet it, but again it wasn't afraid; it seemed as though it was waiting for her touch.

Gwen felt so much love swell up in her heart, it could grow three sizes bigger.

"If you were mine I would name you....Zima" she announced scratching behind its ears .

He might not be Slavic, but it still suited him. Zima meowed at her statement.

"I guess you like it too huh".

A light began to encircle them like a protective bubble, a shining beam that pulsed as it got brighter. Cradling her head, Gwen bowed in pain, footsteps danced about her head, leaping around every nook and cranny. There wasn't any time to react before all Gwen saw was,black.


The next day

Emerging from the darkness, Gwen slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times for focus. Sitting up, she looked around the room confused. How the hell did I get home? Gwen tried to rack her brain for an answer. When the date ended, I was walking and on my way home, I saw a cute cat but after that... nothing.

She searched for more information but came up empty. Her belly angrily growled, screaming at her for sustenance. Making her way down stairs, she passed a picture of a dying flower that she had took a few months prior. She wouldn't call herself a professional, but it was still a well taken photo, in her opinion at least.

Turning left, she opened the fridge looking for a quick fix.

"Meow, Meow", she looked towards her window sill to see a pretty white cat licking its paws.

"Are you hungry too? "

Sifting through the cabinets, Gwen took out a canned Tuna, removing the lid, before she gave it to the cat. Purring, the cat expressed its thanks. Leaving the window open, she gave the cat a choice; if it wanted to come in she would keep him. Walking back up to her room Gwen heard the cat not to far behind. She smiled at her new friend. As for the missing memories, she just chalked it up to having a tad too much margaritas.  

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