Chapter 1:Stones and Wizards

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A 8 year-old Harry Potter was running as fast as he could, trying to get away from his cousin and his friends who were chasing him with the goal to beat him up.

He was a scrawny boy, with black hair that wouldn't lie flat and Emerald-green eyes that were hidden behind glasses. He was wearing a large grey shirt that was several sizes too big for him and looked more like rags than anything. On his forehead was a strange scar, shaped like a Lightning-bolt, just above his left eye.

He hated his life. He had been living with his aunt and uncle ever since his parents died in a car crash when he was a year old. They treated him like a slave and always called him 'freak' or 'boy'. When he was old enough to reach the stove, his Aunt Petunia made him cook for the Family, but every time he did something wrong, she would hit him with a frying pan. He always cooked for them, but the only thing he got in return were a few scraps and sometimes nothing at all. He was forced to do all the chores- clean the house, do the laundry, take out the trash, trim the hedges - and many other things while she spied on the neighbors.

His Uncle Vernon is even worse. Everytime a business deal goes wrong, his uncle blames it on him, even though he didn't do anything. He beats Harry up till he's bloody and limp, then he throws him into his cupboard where he has to spend the night in pain, without food or water.

His Cousin Dudley (Seriously?What kind of dumbass name is that?) was a fat pig who loved to torment 'the freak '. He would try to get Harry into trouble whenever he can. He threatened all the other children who wanted to be friends with him into avoiding him. Everyday he and his gang would chase Harry and beat him up . They joyfully called this 'Harry Hunting' .

Right now Harry was running as fast as he could . One good thing about Dudley was that he was so fat that he couldn't run very fast, but Harry didn't slow down yet. Turning a corner he ran straight into the woods surrounding Little Whinging.

He was going deeper and deeper into the woods, the voices of his cousin and his friends falling further behind. He looked back over his shoulder, not noticing the hole in the ground until it was too late.

He let out a small cry as he fell down, trying desperately to grab something to slow his fall

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He let out a small cry as he fell down, trying desperately to grab something to slow his fall. He suddenly landed on solid ground.

He winced when he tried to stand up. That fall had left some bruises, not to mention the injuries he got from his uncle and cousin's beatings. When he fully stood up he took a look at his surroundings.

 When he fully stood up he took a look at his surroundings

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He was in some sort of cave. There was a tunnel on his left that led further into darkness. When he looked up he could see the hole where he had come from. It was a small opening, that was undetectable unless you stepped on it. The bushes and other plants did a good job at hiding it.

He was just about to climb up when he felt something from the black tunnel. It felt as if something was calling him. Curious, he headed down into the darkness. He walked for what felt like hours, but in truth it was a little over 10 minutes since he started walking. Suddenly he found what he was looking for.

On a large rock in the middle of the room, that served as a pedestal, were six colorful stones. A purple, red, blue, green, orange and a yellow stone. All of them were glowing with power. They were laid out in a careful circle and sended a strange feeling of power trough Harry.

He walked forward, mesmerized by these strange rocks. The stones seemed to react to his presence. They started to shake and glow brighter. Once he reached the pedestal, he carefully stetched out his hand. Before he could touch them, however, the stones started to levitate and spin madly, before they shot towards Harry. He didn't have any time to react before they hit his chest.

He screamed out in pain as those things started to bury themselves in his body. His Body started to glow with the same colors as those stones as they merged with his body. Unable to handle the pain anymore, he collapsed on the cavern floor.

Meanwhile the incredible energy that came from the stones started to fix his body. His bones turned to ash before reassembling and growing, The years of abuse and malnourishment were erased and his body grew taller and gained a lot of muscle. His eyesight was fixed before the energy turned its head to his scar.

While fixing the human, the power that came from the stones noticed a strange core that gave held some sort of energy. It also noticed a small black entity that seemed to be absorbing the energy from the core, thus making the host weaker and slowly killing him. It was a parasite.

The parasite tried to fight against the power of the stones, but it was like an ant trying to destroy a planet. It mercilessly crushed the strange parasite. It then started to improve the core, making it grow even bigger.

Back in the real world, a black ooze started to spew from the scar. It gave a pain filled scream before disintegrating into nothing. After it was gone the scar closed itself and faded from existence.

Having done its work, the energy fused into the body, the child glowing briefly before fading, leaving Harry Potter with a new power and a new destiny.

~~~~~~~~~~~~scene change~~~~~~

Albus Dumbledore sat in his office cheerfully eating lemon-drops, his favorite sweets, when suddenly several devices on his desk began to spin and emit smoke. Alarmed he stood up, taking out his wand before the devices exploded, forcing him to cast a shield charm as shrapnel was sent flying everywhere. After it stopped he cancelled the shield and walked forward, never taking his eyes off his desk.

Several devices on his desk had been destroyed. Some of them were still standing. All of these devices were keyed into one Harry James Potter.

He took a quick look to check what was still working. The blood wards were still active. He let out a sigh of relief. The tracking charm and the device monitoring his magical core however were completely destroyed. He frowned at that. He decided to inform his spy at Privet Drive, , to be on the lookout for anything strange.

He finally managed to relax after he told Figg the situation. After she promised to watch out for the boy, he went to his golden throne and sat down.

His Plan was still in place. Harry would grow up an abused and downtrodden boy, looking to him as a leader and grandfather figure. He would befriend the Weasley boy and the Granger girl and then he would marry the younger sister of Ron, thus giving them full access to the Potter fortune. He would guide him to become the martyr that he needs. When he dies he, Albus, would defeat Voldemort and become the saviour of the Wizarding world and be remembered forever as the greatest wizard since Merlin himself.

He had made sure that every piece of his master plan would unfold perfectly. He had sealed the Potter wills, thus making himself the boy's magical guardian. Also he had placed several loyalty and compulsion charms on the boy, making him the perfect puppet when the time came. He had placed several bindings on the boy's magical core, to make sure he would not become too powerful. All for the greater Good of course.

Yes, his plan would go perfectly and he would gain eternal fame and great riches and the name 'Dumbledore' would go into the history books as the greatest Lord of the Light.

Boy, how wrong he was.

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