chapter 9: race to Ace.

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They drove to the second island where the Ace Chemicals are. Harry Potter, Poison Ivy, Batman and Robin got out of their vehicles and Poison Ivy picked up one of the bricks. "Just like Arkham." She said.

"So i can stop carrying this? I mean, now we have other samples." Robin said carrying so many bricks. Harry Potter, Poison Ivy and Batman shook their heads and walked away with Robin dropping the bricks and went after them.

Whey they opened the door, containers were knocked over and Acid spilled everywhere and Robin stepped onto it. "That guy can't go anywhere without making a mess." He said as Harry noticed an empty bottle on the ground. He picked it up and looked closely at it. "He didn't just break in here to do this." He said as he and the others walked on.

Harry went to the machine and filled the bottle with Green toxin. Then, the doors burst open and The Joker's henchmen came and began to fight them off. When they walked down the metalway, The Joker's henchmen were throwing cake at them.

Poison Ivy exchange her hand and the vines shot at the Joker's henchmen making them slam into each other and knocking them out. Harry gave an empty bottle to Poison Ivy and she took it. She used the flytrap to hoist her up and she walked to the machine filled the empty bottle with Pink toxin.

Then, the hatch opened and The Joker's henchmen came out and fight them off. After that, the jumped into the tack filled with water. Robin dived deep and pulled a lever and the water poured out.

They walked to a second platform and Batman walked toward the machine and filled the bottle with Red toxin. After that, their only problem is that there's no bridge. Harry got an idea. "I think i know what to do." before Batman, Robin and Poison Ivy could ask him, Harry clutched his gloved fist as the Reality Stone glowed brightly and a metal bridge appeared over a green toxin tube.

Then, they walked throught the pathway Robin walked toward the machine and filled the bottle with Orange toxin. They walked through a metal door and The Joker's henchmen came and began to fight them off. After that, Harry walked throught the machine and filled the bottle with Blue toxin. "Promethium, xenon, mercury, tantalum and dialum." Harry said as he gave Batman, Robin and Poison Ivy the bottles filled with toxin.

"Those aren't the chemicals he spilled all over the floor?" Robin asked as he held the bottle filled with Blue toxin. "No, He left the empty bottles down there, and it wasn't any of these. What he stole was to make something else." Harry explained.

Then, they heard an explosion meaning the place will be in flames. "So... Uh... we're going to leave now, right?" Robin asked. "Yes." Harry said as Poison Ivy raises her arms and the giant flytrap launched them up as a catapult.

As They ran through the pathway, the whole place burst into flames. They got to even higher ground and they carefully walked across the gap and they saw The Joker's face in green and purple flames. They past through the pathway and solving puzzles and they got onto a crate.

Harry picked Poison Ivy bridal style and he his wings and flew upward. Batman and Robin jumped but begin to fall to their death. But someone stopped their fall, it was Superman. "Hey guys." He said.

"Wow!" Robin said in fanboy mode. "Calm down." Batman said as Robin and Superman smiled at each other. He blew a freeze breath and the heroes landed on solid ground. Superman wondered why Poison Ivy is with them. Harry explained that he knew that there was good deep inside her heart.

They ran through the pathway and solving puzzles and they are on the roof of Ace Chemicals. Poison Ivy point her and at the water tank and the vines pores and water and put out the flames.

Later, the heroes regrouped at the streets near Ace Chemicals. "So, who blew this up?" Superman asked. "Long story, we've got it covered." Batman said.

"Okay, well, just to let me know-- uhp, Volcano in Mexico. Call me when you need me." Superman said as he flew off.

"Uh, Batman, maybe he could be of help with this. I mean, he's had a lot of experience dealing with Lex Luthor." Robin said. "We don't need him." Batman said.

"Well, it seems like just now we need him." Robin said. "We would've ben fine jumping off the roof." Batman said as he walked to the Batmobile. "I think would've broken our legs." Robin said. "We've broken our legs before. " batman said.

"Yeah, but i didn't like it. I mean, if we just call him." Robin said. "Robin, we can't go through life expecting Superman or anyone else to save us whenever things get tough. The only people we can reply on is ourselves. Batcomputer tie in." Batman said to the Batcomputer. "Batcomputer remote tie in active." The Batcomputer said.

"Access chemical database. What substance can be produced through a combination of the following chemicals: Promethium, Xenon, Mercury, Tantalum and Dialum." Batman explained. "Accessing... No substance found." The Batcomputer said.

"What substance can be approximated through the combination of the chemicals?" Batman asked. "Accessing... listed chemicals can combine to form an approximation of Kryptonite." The Batcomputer said.

"Kryptonite? We better call Superman." Robin said. "We're... not... going to call... Superman! Activate tracking system, detect nearby sources of Kryptonite." Batman said. "Affirmative." The Batcomputer said as a red dot showed up. "There it is." Batman said as he and the others got on their vehicles and speed off.

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