chapter 8: Courtyard Clean-up.

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As the police arresting the villains, the lead of the police named Commissioner Gordon or Jim Gordon came to the heroes. "All the prisoners are accounted for. except, The Joker." He said with an angered look on his face.

"He must have been the first one to break out. smuggling and some kind of explosive." Robin said as Harry squint his eye to see the destroyed wall. "No, I don't think so." He said as he walked away with Batman and Robin following behind him.

As they enterd the elevator, the elevator went down very fast. Thinking quickly, Harry grabbed Batman and Robin on his right arm. Then, Harry clutched his fist as the Space Stone glowed and a wormhole appeared as outside of the elevator and into a chamber.

They walked through the hallway with solving puzzles and saw Killer Croc, Mr and Mr. Freeze. They came into a room and saw the villian named. Dr. Jonathan Crane AKA Scarecrow.

As Batman and Robin chases Scarecrow, Harry noticed a prison cell covered in vines and plants. Curiously, he entered the cell as he walked throught the area. As he was out of the way of the vines, he noticed Poison Ivy in her seat.

As Harry walked towards her, one of her vines are near Poison Ivy. "Yes, i know baby, we have a guest in here." She said as she turned to Harry Potter with a smile on her face.

"Pleased to meet you ma'am, I'm Harry Potter but call me Harry." He said as he held out his hand. "Charming, the names Poison Ivy." She said with a sweet smile on her face. Then, Poison Ivy noticed the Infinity Gauntlet. "Harry, Darling, what's that you have?" She asked as she pointed at the gauntlet.

"This, my friend, is The Infinity Gauntlet. This Gauntlet however is the most powerful object in all the Multiuniverse. But the only way to power It up, Is by these." He said as he raised his hand, clutching his hand slowly and the Infinity Stones started to glowed brightly causing Poison Ivy's eyes to sparkle in awed at its beauty.

"These aren't ordinary gems, they're called Infinity Stones, the six of them, however, have different singularities of existence." Harry paused as he placed his muscular foot on a nearby rock and continued as Poison Ivy listened. "Soul, Power, Mind, Reality and the twins Time and Space. When i discovered them in the cavern, I've been observing there power. And, so you're wondering why I'm like this well you see I use the Time and Reality Stones to make me look like this so any woman would love me." Harry said as he stood.

Poison Ivy stood up from her seat and walked toward him swaying her hips left and right. She stared at Harry Potter's muscular body with dreamy eyes. She placed her hand on his muscular chest giving it a few strokes. "You know, has anyone say how handsome you are?" She asked lovingly.

"Yes, and now The Joker has escaped and i need your help." Harry said as he held his hand to her. Poison Ivy placed her hands on his hips. "What's it got to do with me anyway?" She asked.

"Well... I might need some of that love gas you're so good at making." Harry said. "Ooh, i guess that could come in handy for this case, so, I'm in." Poison Ivy said as he took his hand.

Harry smiled as he and Poison Ivy exited the cell and they saw Batman and Robin fighting off Scarecrow.

Scarecrow was about to punch Robin, when a vine appeared and grabbed his arm and and throwed his through the door. Batman and Robin turned to see Harry Potter and Poison Ivy. Batman and Robin wondered why Poison Ivy is with them. Harry explained that he knew that there was good deep inside her heart and they wanted her to solved this case.

Harry Potter, Batman, Robin and Poison Ivy went to the destroyed wall and Batman picked up own of the bricks. Later, they meet up with Commissioner Gordon and they were discussing who broke The Joker out of prison and Poison Ivy in her different outfit.

 Later, they meet up with Commissioner Gordon and they were discussing who broke The Joker out of prison and Poison Ivy in her different outfit

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"Batcomputer, remote tie in." Batman said. "Batcomputer remote tie in active." The Batcomputer said in a female voice. "Identify residual radiation." Batman commanded. "Radiation consistent with energy signature of U.S. defense department project JSG-817, currently under development at Lexcorp." The Batcomputer explained.

"Well, I think we know who broke joker out of prison." Batman said as Robin knew who did. "Lex Luthor?" He asked.

"What would an upstanding presidential candidate like Lex Luthor want with The Joker?" Poison Ivy asked. "I've heard that Lex Luthor may not be so upstanding." Batman said.

"You might want to tell somebody, Election day is tomorrow." Commissioner Gordon said. "Sir, there's been a break-in at Ace Chemicals." One of the policemen said.

"Wouldn't be surprised if that was the Joker's first Stop." Harry said as he got onto his Hulkbuster armour with Poison Ivy in his armor and Batman and Robin got in their vehicles and speed away.

After the heroes left, Commissioner Gordon and one of the office turned to see the policemen tied up and the villains got onto the police cars and drove away.

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