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Saritas P.O.V -

I really like that new girl Imogen, she's so sweet and funny but did I mention how hot Chris looked today like DAYUMM GIRL he's so perfect, I wish he knew I existed... I decided to risk it all and go speak go him.

"hey, chris *flirtatiously (try's) twirls hair*"

"um hey?"


"oh yea, I've seen you around, your the cute one with black hair"

I was practically fangirling you have no fricken idea.

Chris' P.O.V -

She was blushing she looked so cute when she was blushing. Im going to ask her out right now!

"hey do you want to go on a date with me?"

"OMG YESS, I mean sure If I can fit you in"

"that's great here's my number"

"haha thanks better get going to class"

"yea me too"

For some reason she started following me.

"why are you following me?"


"haha same I'll walk you in" (AN// does anybody else ship this or just me?)

I really hope she likes me she's so cute and adorable, I love every thing about her especially her smile no her hair no her laugh no her eyes no her everything yes her everything is what I love about her, I wish I had the confidence to tell her that...

Imogens P.O.V -

I really love this school all the people here are so nice and every ones happy, well except for

Ethan and Fletcher after lunch I just saw Fletcher with a black eye and I was really wondering why he had a black eye? Our 5th period was English luckily I had this with Sarita, when, I Walked into the classroom I saw Sarita sitting with Chris and laughing awwww they make such a cute couple I quickly got out my phone and snapped a pic, I immediately sent it to Sarita, Riley, Kathryn, Mia and Cheelz saying 'totally ship this, who agrees x' all of them but Sarita said 'meeee this is to cute!' Sarita just said 'I hate you x'

I didn't even realize but suddenly my feet were being dragged towards Fletcher's group minus Ethan, all the guys started nudging him and whistling, this is so pretty sure I look lik a tomato right now! Some kid named Jack was very eagerly giving those pedo faces to Fletcher it was sorta creeping me out.

"hey fletch"

"ohhh nick names already how cute" yelled out Sarita I swear I will kill her one day.

"SHUT UP SARITA AT LEAST IM NOT IN LOBE WITH LOVER BOY OVER THERE!" I looked over very satisfied they were both blushing and their just so cute!

" um I was wondering where we were going to see the movie?" I asked Fletcher his face looked almost as read as mine was just about one minute ago.

" I was thinking the palace, you know that one at the mall?"

"oh yea that would be great thanks! I decided to sit next to fletcher because one, Sarita and Chris were sitting next to each other looking madly in love and because the teacher just walked in.


Hey guys hope you like the chapter which one do you ship Ethan and Imogen or Fletcher and Imogen. Hope you guys ship Sarita and Chris

"hey everybody I'm Mr Chasel, were ever you are sitting now you are sitting for the rest of the school lets get started!"

Me and Sarita just looked at each other with that look of oh shit... When I looked to see if Fletcher was happy or sad about this choice he looked like he had just on the lottery. This is not good, not good at all.

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