Riley tells all

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Ethan's P.O.V -

God how am I going to get her number ? I have no idea because she probably hates me, oh well I'll just walk up to her and see what happens.

Imogen's P.O.V -

"And then" Mia couldn't even finish her story because she was laughing so hard, she was explaining how Bradley the guy that's head over heals for her try'd to pick her up, oh my god even though she didn't finish it was hilarious!

Just after I finished snorting (oh how attractive) Ethan walked over, he looked really nervous but was trying to hide it, it was so cute when boys were like that! But why would he be like that?

"Hey Imogen"

"I'll leave you to, alone..." Said Mia as I was glaring at her, she just winked at me argh I'll kill her later at the moment I'm talking to Ethan.

"Um, hey"

"I was just wondering could I have your number?"

"Oh sure!" Did that just happen or did Ethan Karpathy just ask for my number! Wow a lots happened in one day.

We quickly exchanged numbers and then he left, I was daydreaming about our wedding when suddenly Mia, Sarita, Chellz, Paige and Riley came over,

"what cha thinking about?" asked Riley

"What hm, oh nothing important!"

"Sure sure"

"So I saw Ethan just came over to you" Chellz said not hiding the fact that she was winking and nudging Paige practically knocking her out.

"Oh you know he just wanted my number" I squealed at the end, trying to be casual clearly didn't work.

"Oh em geeeeeeee, so happy for you!!" They all squealed, except for Riley what's up with her?

Riley's P.O.V -

It's not fair I've always liked Ethan, I mean I know he's a player but honestly he's so hot and funny how could anyone not like him!? And then suddenly Imogen walks in all perfect and urgh I just can't stand her! I'm only using her to get to Ethan, I hope this pays of or else I'm in big trouble, my first part of the plan was to try to get the other girls on my side about how Ethan and Imogen don't make a good couple.

Imogen's P.O.V -

I really do hope Riley's not mad at me because I really like her and it would be suck a shame if she suddenly stopped likening me! I decided to ask if every thing was alright

"Hey Riley is everything ok, are you mad at me?"

"Imi how could I ever be mad at you, why would you think that?"

"Oh it's just that when I told you about how Ethan gave me his number you seemed mad?"

"Oh no I'm not mad I was just angry at Ethan" she hesitated a bit "you know for already making a move on you, you know how I feel about him, hate him a lot and can't stand him"

"Oh yea ok sorry I get a bit paranoid sometimes!"

She quickly hugged me and said good bye as you know it was already 3 o'clock.

When I got home I quickly got changed into some leggings and a lose top I heard my phone buzzing and quickly went and saw Ethan's contact pop up

"Hey Eth"

"Oh hey"

"So why'd you call me?"

"Oh you know just cos"

"You sureee" I said in a really teasing voice

"We'll I guess I did want to tell you something" I could fell my heart beat speed up rapidly.

"Yeaa go on"



Heath noticed me woohoo may of not been for the best reason but he still noticed me so yaa haha

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