Sick! lams Fluff❤️

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It had been days since Alexander had gone outside, due to his recent sickness. Now, he was bundled up in a coccoon of blankets, trying to keep warm. Stacked on his bedside table were tissues and pills that could hopefully soothe his symptoms.

John tapped softly on Alex's bedroom door, a bowl of soup in hand. "Hey, Alex?"

Mmh." Alexander hummed in response, since he knew talking would make his throat sore.

John slowly opened the door and stepped into the room. He put on a small smile and walked over to his bed. "Brought you some soup.." He beamed.

"Thanks," Alexander mumbled. He looked terrible. His hair was tangled and he looked tired, and he was curled into a little ball on his bed. He motioned to an empty space on the bedside table. "You can put it over there." He said quietly.

John pursed his lips as he looked over the bottles of pills and mountains of tissues. He didn't think his friend was in that bad of shape but.. Now he was beginning to worry. He grabbed a tiny trashcan nearby and sweeped the tissues into the can, before setting the bowl on the table. He cleared his throat and looked back at Alex. "Anything else I can do for you, bud?"

 "I don't want to get you sick. . . But can you stay with me?" Alexander's face went pink with embarassment at the request. "I'm just kind of lonely."

John let out a chuckle. "I don't mind at all. I'll gladly stay with you." He felt his cheeks burn too, but he couldn't notice Alex's blush, given the fact that his face was already flushed from the sickness. He then kneeled down on the floor to where their faces were only inches apart. "Has anyone else visited you?" 

"Laf came by once. Eliza did too, wished me well. But that's it," he replied, wiggling a little further into the blankets.

John's eyes narrowed and he sighed. "That Eliza.. You like her don't you?"

"What?" Alexander squeaked. He covered his mouth with the sheets he was buried it. "Why?"

John threw his head back as he laughed. "I think that right there just gave me my answer. Mm, I don't know why I'm making you talk. It just puts you in more pain." His freckled face hardened. "And I don't want that.

Alexander blushed again. He shook his head. "No, I mean. . . Eliza is great, and I love her, she's pretty and really nice and all but. . . There's someone. . . Else?" He kept his voice low, and he hoped it wasn't painfully obvious that this "someone else" was literally the guy right in front of him.

John's eyes widened. He blinked once. Then twice. "O-oh, I thought– oh." He looked down and cleared his throat again. "Well whoever it is, she's lucky. Heh."

 "It's actually not a she." He uttered out.Alexander seemed to be receding further and further into his bundle of blankets.

John tried to hide his shock. He was interested in guys? He.. Sorta though it was a possibility. He just stared at the man in front of him, gradually disappearing into the blankets. "I-Is it Aaron?"

 "Oh, no!" Alexander laughed a little. "Ew." He mumbled. Only his eyes were visible, but they were lit with joy, meaning he was probably smiling.

John snorted. "He said ew! Alex, you're such a girl." He then tilted his head and gazed at Alex. "Who's the lucky guy?"

Alexander slid his face the rest of the way into his little domain. He said something, but it was quiet and muffled by the blankets which made it indecipherable.

John grinned and leaned forward. He stretched a hand out and pulled down the blankets, revealing Alex's red face. "Hey. Quit talking to the blankets. They don't care what you have to say."

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