Oujia Board Lams fluff❤️

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John groaned in frustration as he got up for the fifth time that night. He felt bad for his roommate, who had to see his light come on every, damn minute. He shook his head as he stared at the ceiling, blankly, wide awake again. John hadn't been able to sleep the past few days, he was having mental breakdowns from stress, which was not too great. Also, not to mention that, he was still trying to figure out how to tell his roommate, that he liked him. How do you, tell such a beautiful man, that? John wanted to tell Alex so badly. He took a spare pillow and shoved his face in it, muffling a nervous, sleepy, frustrated sob.

Alexander looked up from his Oujia board, staring at John's room. He mumbled a small, "Goodbye," to end the ritual, heading to John's bedroom, knocking on his room. "John? You okay...? If you can't sleep, you're welcome to either join me or watch a movie or something. I'm not sleeping either!" He grinned to himself, laughing softly to himself.

John got out of bed, nothing better to do. "Alex..I thought one of the rules was to not play alone.. You wanna get killed?" He said as he walked over to the board, questioning it. 

Alex shrugged. "Honestly I don't care. I'll turn an actual light on, if you'd like?" He smiled, sitting on his bed once more, grinning at the board sitting there, innocently.

John shook his head, sitting on the side opposite of the board. "As long as we don't summon some weird ass demon, I'm fine..." He looked at the planchet, not so sure about it.

Alex giggled, clasping his hands together gleefully. "Awesome! Okay, so, you know how to play the game? Two fingers on the planchette, always say goodbye, blah, blah, blah..." he put his own hands on the item, waiting for John to do so as well. "...And I'm sure we'll be fine. It's not like this is One Man Hide and Seek or anything."

John shivered at the thought of one man hide and seek. He placed his fingers on the planchette slowly. "Okay, let's do this..Who wants to ask the first official question after if anyone is here..?"

"I'l do it!" He giggled once more. "Oh great spirits... Or, well, the lucky ones, is there anyone here? I mean, it is the true witching hour, so..." he shrugged, waiting for the planchette to move, smiling as it slowly started shifting to 'Yes'. John tried to stay calm. He was wondering how the hell Alex was staying so calm. He watched though, as his crush smiled at the board.

Alex glanced up at John. "...You don't have to play you know.." he mumbled. "Now, do you want to ask a question, John?"

 "Well, I'm not too keen on breaking the rules, so I'm just gonna play.." he mumbled, looking at Alex, a hint of fear in his eyes. "And my question, does Alex like anyone...?" He squeaked, he would be surprised if the spirit knew.

Alex laughed, blushing slightly as the planchette slid to 'Yes' almost immediately. "Hmm... Do you have a name humans can pronounce?"

The planchette moved, spelling out 'Kayla' John looked at it, "Kayla..?" It moved to yes quickly.

Alex nodded. "Well, nice to meet you, Kayla! Demon or spirit?" He asked quickly before blushing. "Oops. Sorry."

The planchette moved to spell out, "Spirit". John nodded, squeaking, "What's the name of person that Alex likes?" He looked at Alex, grinning.

Alex blushed, whining as it spelled out, 'J-O-H-N', though Alex knew three of them. "Who does John like? I know he likes someone."

John coughed, his gaze averting from Alex's as it spelled 'A-L-E-X-A-N-D-E-R'

Alex giggled. "You're having fun with this, huh, Kayla~?" He teased, before actually thinking about it, face flushing a deep red. "...Oh."

The planchette went to 'Yes'. John kept his gaze trained on his lap, staying silent, not sure of what to say. John's cheeks were bright red, he nervously hummed.

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