❤️Tea Cups Lams Fluff ❤️

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So this is my second One shot and it's kinda Trashy so just bear with me  and I don't own Hamilton so yeah...

Alexander Hamilton had been pacing the length of the hallway for the past two hours which wouldn't have been a problem if it wasn't at an ungodly hour of the morning in the college dorms. It wasn't long before someone, namely Aaron Burr, told him to go take a hike, so he did. He'd spent another hour walking around the campus of Columbia before deciding to go back. Unfortunately, he seemed to have forgotten that locks were a thing. So, he was locked out at 4 am waiting- his least favorite activity. Maybe some drunk kid would stop by to keep him company.

John Laurens was up. Drinking with his friends, just realizing it's time to go back to the dorms. He walked alone until he found Alexander, "Hello there.."

Alexander's early-morning had started looking up, as he was now joined by an incredibly cute (but also incredibly drunk) boy. "Hey, just got back from a party I gather?"

"Yeah, Lafayette, Hercules and I were hanging out.."Johns  freckled face had a smile on it.

He smiled back at Freckles, "So is your name as impressive?"

 "Not really...." John laughed slightly.. "I'm John.." 

 "Gotta last name? I know like 5 Johns..." Alex smiled

"Laurens..." John never got as drunk as the rest of the guys so he wasn't that drunk to be honest

"Lawrence? Damn you got Lafayette, Hercules, and John Lawrence." He chuckled, "Maybe I'll call you J.Law..." he teased

John laughed. "Are you still trying to find a roommate? I can't find one."

"Yeah..how'd you know?"

 "I didn't."

"Huh...sounds perfect, though! I mean you seem nice enough. Guess tonight will be Trial Run 1, "Roomin' with the Bears and the Bums" as my brother liked to call it. Alex smiled sadly at the reminder of his brother

John laughed. "Perfect. I have the key." He held up the key

 "Aww, well there goes that witty phrase...it had alliteration and everything. It's probably for the better."John laughed again as he opened the door

 "Your room or my room?" John had asked Alex

"Depends, which one's closer?" Alex smirked at John

 John  pointed to a room. "That ones mine. So it's mine." John started walking to the room

"Perfect", he yawned. He walked into the room after John examining the layout. The two single beds that were on either side of the room in most dorms had been pushed together to make one bed in the middle pushed up against the back wall. "Well damn."

 "What?" John has looked at Alex

 "There's only one bed. Heh, good thing I'm used to sleeping on floor." He plopped down on the floor cross-legged. He took off his shirt and wadded it up to use as a pillow, "G'night, JLaw..."

"No.... Can you sleep with me on my bed?" John looked at alex.

 "Well shit, at least buy me dinner first." Alex joked, "You don't mind?"

"Not at all." John turned around and decided to make tea. He reached for the top cabinet while his bottom is sticking out so he could reach for the box of tea

 "What're ya doin'?" Alex asked sleepily, he hadn't noticed how tired he was until now.

 "I'm making myself a cup of tea, do you want a cup?"

" Damn are you British?" Alex Joked

"No I just like tea" John didn't know he had been joking

"Uh, yeah, guess so..." he reluctantly got up and crawled into the bed immediately deciding that they were going to have to drag his corpse out of that bed because he wasn't budging from it for as long as he lived. John made the cups of tea and brought them over but on the way John spilt the super hot teas on him causing John to Yelp and collapse on the ground in pain.

Alex promptly retracted his previous thought about not budging. He jumped out of the bed and rushed over to his new friend, "Laurens? Are you okay? What happened?"

 "Hot.."The tea was all over his shirt  and John had tears streaming down his face 

Alex let out a small, "Oh." It was then he realized that he would have to remove John's shirt seeing as John was too tipsy and dazed to do it himself. "Hey, John, I'm gonna take off your shirt, okay?" He noticed the tears streaming down, "Hey hey,it's okay- just some tea." He reached forward and wiped tears of John's face. John nodded telling Hamilton he's able To take off his shirt 

 "Tea cups....."John looked at the blood surrounding him  "Tea cups in my ba-" John passed out Johns back was impaled by the glass tea cups. It wasn't a severe cut. 

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