Lams aGain

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Alex's P.OV

six  days ............six dreadful days that I've gone without sleep. 

"Jesus Christ Hamilton when was the last time you slept?" my very wonderful boyfriend John came into my office disappointed at my current state. I paused my writing and turned to face him his beautiful emerald green eyes masked with worry.

" six days ago don't worry though I've been living on coffee" I lifted up my very trusty coffee cup so he could see.

"S-s-ix days ago what the actual hell!" he threw his hands in the air for a moment " that's literally almost a week" 

" I have a very important paper to do and I really can't have anyone bother me anymore so if you could just-" I started to tell him as I waved my hand in dismissal and turned back to my computer

"You never spend time with me anymore!" John said angrily almost close to tears "You've been so wrapped up in your work that you actually forgot about my birthday!" I gasped slightly in remembrance how could I have been so arrogant?  I shut off my computer and hugged him 

"I am so sorry John......I-I promise I'll make it up to you right now"

so we did I took him out to dinner, we went back home, cuddled in mounds of blankets and watched all kinds of Disney movies. I looked down at the love of my life, fixated on the movie that was playing I kissed the top of his head lovingly "I love you so much....J-just promise me whatever happens we will still be together?" he giggled and smiled at me 

"I promise and I  love you too ya big Goofball" he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss when he fell asleep I carefully got up and went back to my office 

The world must know what I did...............

 I typed a couple things on the computer, I'm sorry John but-  

                                                             THE REYNOLDS PAMPHLET

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