Winter coat Lams Fluff ❤️

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 Alexander was with his best friend John laurens it was a cold winter day and Alex was just not used to this weather

John was smart that day he wore 2 winter coats and Alexander had on an average sweaterJohn always loved Winter, just that he got cold really quick so he always wore as much as possible" Alex!You must be dying from this cold! He didn't let Alexander answer and just wrapped one of his coats around Alex's shoulders

Alex  smiled" John I'm fine"

"No, you're not! "John protested"It's way too cold."

"N-no I'm fine I'm Alexander Hamilton I never get cold" Alex began to take off the Jacket"

Alex, you are cold! Just keep the jacket on, it's not going to kill you."

"ughhhh fine I'll stay alive just a little longer"

" I'm going to keep you alive forever, not just a little longer."

"fine"Alex mumbled"

 See? Being alive isn't that bad! I've been for all my life."

  when John was not looking he tried to take off the jacket" Alexander, don't even try."John had heard the jacket being pulled off

"Dammit"Alex put the jacket back on

"What are you even trying? Freezing to death? Hypothermia?"

" No jackets just prove that I'm weak"

John sighed"In what weird way does that make sense in your mind?

""so it doesn't prove that I'm weak cause I can survive the cold without help."

" Alex..." John started

" yeah...."

 "Everyone wears jackets in winter"......"Everyone"

"yeah then that mean everyone is weak"

"So I'm weak too? I mean I had two jackets, I must be super weak"

" no your not weak your just cute"

" But then why does the jacket make you weak? I really don't understand."

"because it just does,...its proving that I don't need a jacket"

" Alexander, you're not getting ill because you want to prove you don't need a jacket!" John was getting beyond annoyed with the carribean boy in front of him

 "Then let me get ill no one will care anyways...."John was now beyond furious over Alex not wanting to wear a jacket

"I care!""

yeah right..." 

Why the hell do you think I'm trying to tell you that you need a jacket!?

"because you act like a mom" John tried to stifle a laugh when Alex said that

" I do don't I" John laughed "but I still dont know why you dont want to wear the jacket"
"Becauseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i donr wanttttt tooooooooooo"Alex wined
"Its just one god Damned Jacket!Alex do you want to die?" Johns voice cracked a little
"Acually YES I do nobody will care anyways!" Alex's eyes pricked with tears
"What?" Alex looked up at his friend
Laurens grabbed his face and kissed him"I care"

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