Puppy! Lams Fluff❤️

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John was due back to his and Alexander's apartment about half an hour ago, and Alex was beginning to worry, John was rarely this late, but just as he was about to text and see where he was, his phone rang. "Hey 'Lex! So, totally hypothetically of course, what would you say if I told you I impulsively bought a puppy?..''

Alexander was at his computer desk when he answered the call, knowing what the other had been doing while he was away. "I'd question why you got a puppy, what its name is, and what kind it is."

"Well I was at the pet store with Hercules to get something for his cat and they had a puppy there and she's so cute! She's some kind of mix, I don't really know but she's not supposed to get bigger than 20 pounds and she hasn't got a name yet''

 "And you tell me about this  after getting her..." He rolled his eyes. "It's nice to know you got a pet though- Is she allowed on school grounds, though?"

 ''No idea. I'm gonna put her in my back pack while I walk in just in case. I'm here, see you in a sec, love you" He said, arriving at their dorm about a minute later, his back pack squirming slightly

Alexander stayed at his desk, his phone at his side while he was multitasking with things. He was reading online, talking in a chatroom, reading a book about mathematics and science, and texting on his phone, while adjusting his glasses every once in a while.

 "Alex! Hey!" John said, sitting on his bed and smiling excitedly, reaching into his bad and pulling out a small puppy.

Alex  gave a slight wave, not even looking at him nor the puppy, typing into documents as he researched, read and texted.

John pouted a bit, pulling on Alex's arm. "Alex, look" He said, holding the puppy eye level with his boyfriend. The dog barked happily, licking Alex's nose.

 "Mhm, it's cute." Alex gave a small nod as he continued to work 

John frowned, sitting back on his bed and petting the dog. "Wanna help me name her?.."

He shrugged, his eyes didn't remove from the screen, but he replied with the first name that popped in his mind. "Betsy."

John nodded, still frowning a bit as he cuddled the puppy. "Allleeexxxx'' He whined softly after a few moments

Alex nodded, listening with probably a bit of attention on his boyfriend and the pup. "Yes?"

John hmphed slightly, playing with the puppy. "Watch a movie with me?" He asked, mostly just wanting Alexander to pay attention to him

"No thank you, busy." He looked at his phone, typing with one hand, his other hand on the keyboard. His book with math problems and science mixed in was in his lap.

John sighed, grabbing his laptop and fucking around on it for a while before getting bored and closing it, sitting on the floor next to Alex's chair. "Aleeexxxxx" He said, letting his head fall to Alex's leg

 "Yeees?" Alexander's eyes didn't fall from either book nor screen, the small corners of his eyes becoming red, getting tired but not showing other signs of it...Much.

John sighed, nudging at Alex's leg. "You need to sleep.." He mumbled

 "Shh...I don't need sleep..If I were tired, I'd-" He yawned, still going nonstop, trailing off.

"Mhm" John rolled his eyes. "C'mon, you need to sleep.'' He said, standing and closing Alex's book, though he stuck a piece of paper in the pages.

 "I don't need, or want sleep." Alexander looked at him, the blood vessels lightly visible. "Sleep's for weak.."

 "Literally every human being needs sleep." John argued, closing Alex's laptop and holding his hand out to him, raising an eyebrow

"Not me. I can't waste even a minute of not working on anything."

"You can't get work done if you're borderline passing out the whole time" He said, grabbing his boyfriend's arm and pulling him to his feet

"I don't pass out...." He yawned again, feeling like he could go limp and fall asleep if he wanted, which he tried not to.

 "You've passed out three times this semester. There's a betting pool on how many times it'll happen this year. You're going to sleep, sleep with me in my bed or on yours?" Alexander huffed, and half-sleepily got into bed with only a mumble, covered by the blanket and his head pressing against the pillow, accepting sleep. At least that time he didn't exactly pass out. John chuckled softly, rolling his eyes fondly and sitting on the ground, playing with the puppy. A couple hours later, Alexander- Was still in bed. He was warm, shaking a bit uncomfortably, but warm. John was growing tired himself, and Betsy had fallen asleep an hour ago, so John ended up climbing into Alex's bed and quickly falling asleep as well More hours passed of peace and quiet...Well almost. There was yelling from the Schuyler dorm, Alexander was no longer in the dorm, and there was a scream or two. Totally normal though...Totally.

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