Forgiving people!

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This girl slapped me in the face! I will never forgive her!

This guy is calling me names and keeps bullying me! I will never forgive him! Forgiveness is a big word on this earth, it can change a lot of things on this earth especially the people got hurt by other people.

For some people, it's really hard for them to forgive people when they got hurt by people that loved with their heart when someone comes back to apologize to you some of them may be able to forgive but don't forget what the person did to them, so then they decide to keep a distance between the person that hurt them, because they are afraid that they will get hurt again by the same person. 

When you go to the person to apologize for the thing you did towards the person and the person doesn't accept your apologie then they don't think or care about the relationship you guys had, most of them they hurt you on a purpose to destroy the relationship you and the person had.  If you think or know that your relationship with the person who is close to your heart start to forgive them no one on this earth is perfect not even me! If your relationship means a lot try to forgive the person and let everything go and start a fresh relationship with the person you love. The relationships that we have with people around is worth to be forgiven if they have wronged you. 

I myself know how hard it often can be to forgive someone who is close to you and hurts you the most, but it is never a crime to forgive someone who hurts you people may say that you are a weak person that is why you are forgiving the person or they will say that you have nobody around you so you have no other choice than to forgive the person, you must never think or listen to what they will say. When you forgive people who hurt that means you are a strong person, let's see what the bible says about forgiveness in Matthew: 6:14-15 it says: 14"If you forgive others their sins, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you.15"But if you don't forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your sins.

Our God loves us way too much that whenever we sin and regret from the sin we committed and ask for forgiveness our God is ready to forgive us... so we also must be ready to forgive people who sinned against us!

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Remember: Be ready to forgive people, forgiving people doesn't make you a weak person but rather a strong person!

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