As a Christian, we are always struggling with a lot of things in life with our daily personal things and people around us and a lot of other things! I am here encourage every Christian with my blogs and praying that through my blog I will win souls...
The most dangerous part of the body is the tongue, the tongue can lift someone up by the positive words you speak the tongue can also bring someone down by the negative words you speak towards the person.
Speaking words with your tongue is like prophesying over someone's life or over your own life. The negative words you speak over yourself or someone else can have a bad effect on yourself those words can make you insecure about yourself not only by the words you speak over yourself also the words people around you speak over you.
There are some people they have been really insecure about themselves, because of the negativewords they have been hearing from the time they were born, as they got older the more they hear those negative words it gets a bad impact upon their lives.
When we talk we don't realize or know that every word we speak there is a strong power behind every word that comes out of your mouth.
every word that we speak has its power of life or death, we always talk without even thinking about it before we allow those words to come out of our mouth, for example when we get angry we can say all those bad things because of anger that is within us, but when we come back on our sense then mostly we regret from the words that came out of our mouth.
Whenever someone speaks something negative over your life you should never accept it in your life if you do, it will come to pass in your life and it can destroy your life also if you believe in every negative word that the person has spoken upon you. One day, I had a conversation with a dear friend of mine we were just having a personal conversation and all of sudden my friend said to me that: whenever someone says something negative over your life never accept the things they have spoken over you never agree with it in your life.
If we look at this Bible verse Mark 4:39: He got up and gave orders to the wind and He said to the lake Silence! Be still! The wind settled down and there was a great calm.
When God created the heaven and the earth in Genesis 1:3: God said let there be light and so the light appeared!
God created the heavens and the earth with every word He spoke.
The tongue can bless someone or curse someone, whenever we talk we must think about it before letting come out of our mouth.
There is power in the tongue and the words you speak!!
God bless y'all for reading my blog.... like share and leave your comments below!
Remember: there's power in the tongue!!
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