People always think that we dark skin people are different from white people, well let me tell you something we may have darker skin color but doesn't mean we are different from white people, we all have a heart, eyes, feet, hands etc. the only difference is that we are darker than white people. So why do people discriminating each other, we are all the same. If we want peace in the world we should learn to accept each other.
parents are responsible for the way their children treat dark skin people if they show the right way of treating dark skin people their children will do the same. We should all try to accept each other the way we are God created as His own image, He is the One who created all of our dark skin and white people.
Some people are against people who are wearing head kerchiefs?! Those people who are wearing head kerchiefs are also human beings like us they have their own culture that they believe in that makes them wear head kerchiefs, everyone on this earth is unique in their own way they may have a darker skin color, wearing glasses, walking with one leg, being blind etc if you see those kinds of people don't think that they are not human being because they are human beings like you. We may look different from outside but from the inside, we all have everything a human being needs to have.
People around you may find it hard to accept you the way you are, then we start to ask ourselves why people can't accept you or what you did wrong that may the people around you can't accept you.
You are not the only that often asks these questions I myself before I gave my life fully to Christ I could always ask myself these questions and brought a lot of negative thoughts in my mind, now that I gave my life to Christ it's less now I often still struggle with it... but I assure you that one day you and me we will overcome these thoughts and accept the way we are, I know it might be harder for us to get rid of it at once but you must see it as we taking small steps one by one and at the end of it all we will reach the finish line.
In Genesis 1:27 it says: God created humanity in God's own image in the divine image God created them, male and female God created them.
If you look at this passage above it tells us that God created us in His own image, so that means that we are all one... we may not have the same skin color or look the same way from the outside, even twins they may look alike but there is always something in them that is different.
As I am about to end this message I want Y'all to know that we are the same from inside so don't get bothered about what people will say to you remind yourself that we are all the same!
God bless y'all for reading this message... like share and comment below! Love you all !!
Life as a Christian!
SpiritualAs a Christian, we are always struggling with a lot of things in life with our daily personal things and people around us and a lot of other things! I am here encourage every Christian with my blogs and praying that through my blog I will win souls...