Chapter 3

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It was a perfect fall day in King City

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It was a perfect fall day in King City. The palace in particular presented a picturesque view. All kids were playing. Officials were minding their business. Others were taking time to breathe is the fall air and feel " alive ". While Cyrus was in his majestic balcony, looking. Wondering. He was trying to remember the days when he was that carefree , when he could be irresponsible and get away with it. It was a tough task for it had been almost forever. How can you have everything and yet nothing? This is the one question that even the mighty Cyrus couldn't answer.
Generally he didn't feel so low , didn't feel at all most of the time actually. It might seem exaggerated because everyone feels right ? Yes, everyone with a reasonable amount of time on Earth does. But vampires like Cyrus definitely didn't come in that category. After living such a long time he still had the will to rule, to wake up, to continue looking forward . I guess that is achievement enough , expecting him to be all sensitive and emotional would be too much to ask.

Anyhow, Cyrus sensed the presence of one his lords entering the palace and some further chitter - chatter. Deciding it was time to go out and make his day useful , Cyrus walked forward. It wasn't hard for him to figure out it was Lucas who wanted entry with his enhanced vampire senses.
Now the palace might seem like a place were any royal could walk around and host a tea party. But it wasn't like that. The palace was protected by the strongest spells enforced by some of the finest witches in such a way that only Cyrus could decide the fate of someone's entry. Good for Lucas that he was close to him and was already living here. Just then Lucas reached outside the King's room and just as he was about to knock,Cyrus opened the door and said,

"Your highness" Lucas bowed "greetings" he said with a smile.

Cyrus might have rolled his eyes or arched a brow at the formal way Lucas addressed him, but no point. That man might be one of his closest friends and confidant but he never gave up treating Cyrus like a supreme being. His mannerisms were always impeccable. 'Guess it was a way for him to feel like a better part of the royal society.

"Here to escort me to the grand hall"

"Not particularly, but if thats where you want to go. It is time for dinner"

They walked out of the King's chambers towards the hall. Cyrus knew there was something Lucas wanted to talk about just when he spoke up

"You do remember my niece right ?"

"The one from your human family that you speak so fondly of ?"

"Ah yes, that one. You might also remember that she is visiting" And before Lucas could say something else

"She can stay here."

"You didn't know thats what I was going to ask"

" Oh but I did . Lucas, it is not just my home. It is yours too. Now that might have been the gayest thing I've said but you know what I mean."

"I do" Lucas said with a chuckle " But I also have another request"

What now Cyrus thought "Speak up"

" It would be really wonderful if you command everyone here to maintain a distance from her. I don't want her to be used by any of them"
It felt like a ridiculous thing for Lucas to ask Cyrus.
" No offence mate,but I highly doubt any of them would be interested in Your Niece"
Cyrus said, stressing on 'your'. After all, Lucas might be an excellent fighter but he was no pageant king.

"Besides, she is just a human girl"
To that Lucas smiled and said " Just tell them"

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