Chapter 14

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Aurora was looking directly at Cyrus. Did he just stand up for her. He literally just protected her. Even though the feminist in her might have protested, her ovaries couldn't help themselves but fall in love with that guy in a suit who held all the power in the world. Quite literally.

Even though everyone was gaping at their king, he looked directly at her. It made her spine tingle.

He then looked at the others, with a bit of a murderous look this time. It was probably his annoyed look, but everyone seemed to avert their eyes quicker than Usain Bolt.
Aurora was almost done with her food but she didn't want to be the first one to finish up first and sit idle. So, she played a bit with the food left and observed the people around her.

Cyrus was so graceful in whatever he did. The way he used a knife and a fork. The way he took a sip from the wine glass, that probably had blood instead of wine in it. His suit was so crisp. He was so crisp.

Cyrus could feel eyes on him. He was taking a sip from his glass of blood when he caught Aurora looking at him. She looked so, aroused? - well, maybe not but she turned the air sensual around him and made his immortal blood rush in all the right places. Or wrong?
The slightest shade of pink began to develop on her cheeks as she turned her face.
Dinner was done and Aurora was walking back to her room. Uncle Luke was with them. Him, and Dimitri had made good bonding by now. They were making small talk while they walked upstairs.

Aurora didn't know why, but she got a feeling that something was off with Uncle Luke. He seemed to look at her time and again like he was trying to uncover a secret, or like he was worried?
Dimitri retired for the night. He was probably going to skype Andy or Trey?

They were now at her door. Lucas seemed to have invited himself in.
He gave a warm smile to Aurora.
Even though, he was just 27 in his human years, he looked a lot older right now. Not in physical but mental years.
They talked about her family. Her mom and dad to be precise, their health and all that. Lucas asked her about her life, with being a diva and all. She asked him about his, being a royal and all.
They even skyped her parents. Well, her parents called. So, Lucas ended up talking to them as well.
It was almost an hour after dinner now.

"Have you been to the roof top yet?"
Lucas asked Aurora, he seemed a little nervous.

"No, I mean obviously not. I only went out with you Uncle."

"No, I thought, maybe you decided to see the roof like the library"

How did he know about that?

Did his highness discuss her with him?

A little shudder went down her back.

Lucas ended up taking Aurora to stargaze on the roof.

Being on the top of the palace felt amazing. The fresh air filled Aurora's nostrils. Which seemed to have left her lungs when she looked at the sky.
There was no other word to describe it. It was truly breathtaking.
Aurora felt like she was in a trance.
Her feet walked her towards the railing at the mind of their own.
She couldn't seem to get enough.

"Your Highness"

Aurora whipping her head to her right.

Somehow, this never seems to get old.
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