02: grayson

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"She must have slipped out right before I woke up because the bed was still warm, but she wasn't in the apartment anymore." I say, sitting down on the bar stool as Hayes pours his coffee.

"I mean how much do you even remember from last night?" He asks, and I roll my eyes.

"I didn't drink that much," I promise, adjusting my jacket on the counter as it starts to fall towards the ground. "I just wish I'd gotten her name before she left. She even stole some of my clothes, not that I blame her considering her dress last night covered practically nothing."

Hayes shrugs, turning to face me as he leans against the counter. "Well maybe when she woke up, she realized she made a huge mistake picking you last night, and the only good thing she could get out of it was some of your clothes."

Sephine yawns as she walks into the kitchen wearing Hayes's shirt, clearly not expecting me to be here. She pauses to blink at me, but then shrugs, "What are we talking about?"

Hayes's face softens slightly when he sees her, and I'm not even sure he knows that he's doing it. "Grayson's one night stand last night."

Her face wrinkles into a grimace, "Ew Gray, I don't think hearing about your one-night stand is something I want to listen to first thing in the morning."

She brushes past Hayes to get to the bowl of grapes on the other side of him. "Well, I don't particularly enjoy seeing you walk around in my best friend's clothes, but I don't exactly have a choice," I reply sarcastically, causing her to grin widely at me.

Hayes rolls his eyes, "No one is making you have breakfast here," he says before drinking more of his coffee. Then his voice lowers as he says something to Sephine that I have no interest in hearing, especially after the way her cheeks flare red.

"I think I actually liked it better when you two weren't really together because I didn't have to hear whatever it is he just said to you to know it was gross," I tease, not really expecting Sephine to throw a grape at me in response.

"Oh shut it."

I put my hands up in surrender after the grape nails me in the cheek with a short sting. "At least we know that you can aim."

"So I want to ask her out again, but I don't even know her name so I'm not sure how to find her again." I contemplate out loud, "I do know that she was a gorgeous woman, and she knew exactly what she was doing." I add in for extra measures, and Sephine makes another face.

Hayes just shakes his head, laughing at me. "God Gray, you sound like you want to marry her. It was a one night stand, let it go."

I don't want to though. In the short conversation we had from the club to my apartment, I learned that she was more than a pretty face, but I never asked for her name. I didn't even think of doing it.

I roll my eyes at him, trying to keep the mood light, "You should have seen her though. She had these hazel eyes that just seemed to sear right through me." They almost looked like a kaleidoscope with the way the colors changed from a light brown to a grey. If I'm being honest with myself, they were the thing that caught my eye and differentiated her from the rest of the room. That and the confidence she seemed to hold herself with, but it wasn't cocky.

"Hayes don't be an asshole, Grayson has clearly been brought to his knees by a girl, so let's just take a moment to focus on that," Sephine starts to say, bumping Hayes's side with her hip to get him to move. Oh god, she makes it so easy to tease her. "There's definitely easier ways to make coffee instead of in a pot."

Hayes shrugs, "Yeah, but it works well. Don't fix it if it ain't broke." Sephine takes a sip of Hayes's coffee, not saying anything more about his coffee making.

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