20: grayson

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"So Liv really hates you," I joke in between brief kisses, and Tessa chuckles, resting her forehead on my chest in the tiny confines of Hayes and Sephine's guest bathroom.

"Gray we only have another minute or so before we have to get out there. I don't really want to spend it talking about high school pettiness," She pouts, and I definitely see her point.

"Have you noticed that Cam has been staring at you all day?"

Tessa cups my cheek, "Have you noticed that I've been staring at you all day, or have you been making eyes at Cam?"

I snort, forgetting that we're supposed to be quiet, "Yes Bella, that's exactly what I've been doing."

She pecks my cheek quickly, before moving back to exit the bathroom, "You can come over tonight if you want? I slipped a key into your pocket earlier," Tessa smirks lightly at me as I nod silently.

She then flicks the light off, leaving me in total darkness where I'm supposed to wait for a few moments until following back to the living room. Cam has been staring at her all day, and I'm not really sure what to think of him. After hearing about him from Hayes, it was weird seeing him in person. And Liv has a large personality for being such a small person.

I step out after listening for a few moments to make sure it was clear before I walk back down the hall and into the open area. Hayes is still at the dining room table, flipping through his paperwork while Tessa and Sephine sit on one couch and Cam and Liv sit on the other. "Did you find it yet?" I ask Hayes who frowns while flipping faster.

"No, I haven't yet. I'm not even sure how he convinced the other board members that I'd be okay with this. I specifically told them two weeks ago that I didn't want to do business with this corporation, and now there's apparently this contract I signed approving it."

He's pushing himself too hard trying to make everything okay again after what happened, and the dark shadows under his eyes are only further confirmation of what I already think. "Well you have options if you want to take legal action against him. There's the matter of fraud because he pretended to be you when signing official documents so there's definitely a case to sue him; I'm assuming that you're going to fire him?" I ask, and Hayes nods.

"Even though it's my company now, everyone on the board still sees me like a little boy and acts like my father is in charge. I'm tired of them trying to bully me." I get the frustration coming from that, it's almost an exact replication of my relationship with my family. And then an alarm goes off on his phone, and the expression on his face drops, "I'll be back in a second," Hayes promises as he gets up to disappear into the kitchen.

When I look over at the living room, Cam is staring quite obviously at Tessa; not that I blame him because she's stunning, but I'm not sure what his angle is. Tessa glances over at me, catching me staring and smiles softly. Her attention is taken away quickly when Liv asks her something. Sephine's quiet but engaging enough in the conversation that they're not questioning it, but it's not hard to see that Sascha took something from her, other than her child. She's been leaning on Tessa a lot the past few days, and it's easy to see that Liv is jealous.

Hayes reappears with a glass of water and offers Seph her pills and the glass which she gladly accepts; the timer must have been a schedule for her ibuprofen. "Thanks," Sephine smiles briefly at him, but then he steps away coming back to the table.

"Sorry about that. Okay so I need to figure out how I go about this. I need to call Avery to schedule a meeting with Mark, and then Cheryl to make a statement about it. Uh would you mind writing up a suit for me, and we can file it in a few days... God I knew Mark would be stupid enough to slip the paper in with the rest of the ones Avery brought me. Look, that's not my signature at all." Hayes slides the paper over with another one that does have his legitimate signature.

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