08: grayson

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I button the suit, making sure that everything is laying flat before I step out of the dressing room. Ma's face lights up, "Aw Gray! You look so grown up it's hard to remember that you're getting older. I think you did a good job picking the traditional black for the groomsmen, Meredith."

Meredith isn't paying attention though because she's looking at Jared as he steps out of the curtain next to me.

"Not bad lil bro," He teases, and I roll my eyes out of annoyance because I know what's coming next, "I still look better."

I know he's just kidding, but after hearing that shit my entire life, I'm kind of over it. I'm happy he's getting married-especially to Meredith-but I'd wish that everything would stop being some goddamn competition.

"Keep telling yourself that," I smirk back and Meredith just chuckles shaking her head.

"I think the black was a good idea," She agrees with Ma, straightening out the bottom as I wait patiently for her to finish. I'm surprised to feel her hand slip into my coat pocket, leaving my phone behind after her hand quickly retreats, "I think it could be taken in a little more on the arms." Meredith says, before dropping her voice to a whisper, "Someone named Tessa called you."

It's hard to keep my face neutral because I haven't heard from her in a week, "Yeah it's a little long. Wouldn't want to hide my Rolex," I joke, giving her an almost secret appreciative smile as she nods in response.

I'd left my phone in the chair next to Meredith in the pocket of my actual suit jacket, instead of taking it into the dressing room to try on my suit for the wedding. The phone starts to buzz again just after I step back into the dressing room to change out of it.

"Hello?" Tessa doesn't respond right away, but I can hear the sniffling on the other side of the line. "Tess what's wrong?" I ask quietly, feeling my stomach drop at the sound of it.

"I'm fine, but I didn't know who el-else to call. Seph wasn't answering her phone and I just-fuck I'm sorry."

I've slipped out of the jacket careful with how I respond, "She's with Hayes in Japan for business. Where are you?"

"Bellevue second floor; if you're-uh-busy then you don't have to come. It'll be fine." But by the tone of her voice it doesn't sound like it would be fine at all. And why would she be? Bellevue is a hospital. In my experience, hospitals never are there to give good news.

"I'll be there in ten."

"Thank you," Tessa breathes out before hanging up.

I set the phone down to finish changing the button up back into the grey one I'd been wearing in the first place. I'm still buttoning the last few at the top when I step out of the dressing room again, "Sorry but I have to go."

"Is it work?" Ma frowns, and I grab the jacket off the chair next to Meredith.

"No, it's a friend."

"Woah, where are you going?" Jared asks confused, but I have no sane reason to explain why I'm dropping everything to make sure that Tessa's okay. Meredith curls her arm around his other arm, pulling gently to get Jared to leave me be.

She's the only one in this goddamn family that can see how miserable we all make each other, and that I'm the odd one out. So I fill the void with jokes and sarcasm, but it's fairly easy to see if any of them would pull their heads out of their asses, they'd see that I'm serious. Meredith isn't even in the family, and she still knows me better than my immediate family.

"I'll let you know if I'm coming to dinner. I'm sorry," I say, walking further away, but Jared grabs my arm jerking me back. "Let me go." It comes out with no warmth, and it's enough to get him to release me.

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