26: grayson

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It didn't matter what I said. She didn't want to gamble when there's that kind of money on the table. With the chance that the other case wouldn't get approved, Christine didn't want to take her chances.

"You just need to sign this non-disclosure agreement that prohibits you from discussing the circumstances of this case and my client before we hand you your check," Delilah says kindly, sliding the paper over the table as her client sits smugly next to her.

I tried every trick in the book to get her to turn this money down, but one hundred thousand can help her. Christine made up her mind.

She ignores the stare of her former boss as she picks her pen up, and slides it smoothly across the pen sealing her fate. I can't help her anymore.

The check is then passed over as she slides the paper back to their side of the table. Delilah's client exits the room as fast as he possibly can while Delilah hangs around. "Marcie can help you with the paperwork you need to drop your case, I wish you the best of luck."

I wasn't expecting it because I don't feel as if I did my job correctly, but Christine hugs me. "You have no idea what this money means to me, thank you." She says appreciative, and I loosen my demeanor slightly.

"Of course."

After she leaves, Delilah offers again, "You look like you could use that drink."

I smile tightly at her, "I do need a drink, just not with you. Have a good night Delilah." I walk out of the room before she can say anything else because I'm just not in the mood to deal with it right now.

I rarely drink at the firm, but I have a bottle of scotch stashed in my lower left drawer for days that end like this. They're not really a loss, but not a win either.

"Scotch again? When did you turn into an old man?" Marcie asks, walking in ten minutes later.

"Not an old man, just an old soul," I correct her, grabbing a second glass from the drawer. "And for the record I happen to like the taste of it better than whiskey. I just don't drink it as much as I drink whiskey."

"Whatever you say. Is Tessa still out of town?" Marcie questions, sitting in one of my chairs.

I tilt the amber liquid inside the glass from side to side, "Yeah. I talked to her earlier, but she'll be back in a few days."

"I get why you went after her, regardless of everything in her history. She's perfect for you."

The hint of a smile plays on my face, "Yeah, she is. How's Jeremy doing? Almost the end of kindergarten?"

Marcie lets my conversation topic slide as she answers my question, "Charlie just signed him up to play on a little league baseball team. I'm not ready for him to grow up, but it doesn't seem like I have a choice in the matter."

"It seems like just yesterday when he was a baby, but time flies by. You should bring him to work soon, I'd love to see the little guy and try to sway him towards lacrosse instead of baseball."

"I doubt you could manage to convince him otherwise because Charlie has hyped it up so much, but I appreciate that." Marcie smiles appreciatively at me which I return easily. "I should probably get going, but don't be too hard on yourself about today."

"You know me far too well," I reply back at her, and she just shakes her head.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

I sit there nursing my drink a little bit longer before packing my stuff up. It's been a long day, and I'm just ready to go home.

On my way out the lobby, I dial Tessa's number hoping that she picks up and thankfully she does right before it goes to voicemail. "Gray? Is everything okay?" She asks yawning, and that's when I pull my phone down noticing the time read seven thirty, and if it's seven thirty here, then its past midnight in London. She left the day after the wedding and has been gone almost a week.

"Shit, I'm sorry you're probably sleeping." I feel bad for calling, but I don't want to hang up.

"Kind of but it's fine. What's up?"

I raise my hand to hail for a taxi considering I didn't drive today. "Nothing, I just miss you."

I hear Tessa's soft laughter through the line, "I know I've been gone for a bit, but I'll be back in a few days. Besides I talked to you earlier so what's really going on? Didn't you have your meeting with that client today?"

I pull the phone away from my head quickly to tell the taxi driver where to go,"Uh north on second avenue and Houston? Sorry Tess, I had to give the driver my address. My client took the bribe to keep her silent, even though we found at least two more women that were fired without cause and the same notes in their files as Christine's. I just needed to convince her to wait and trust me."

It takes Tessa a few moments to reply, "I don't think it was that she didn't trust you, I just think she was afraid. You did help her even if it doesn't feel like it because she wouldn't have gotten the money without you."

She has a point, "Yeah I guess you're right. I just feel like I could have done more to help."

"I know but you also have to realize that you did more by believing her than anyone else did at that point."

"Thanks Bella, I'm sorry I woke you up. I just needed to talk to you." I imagine her smiling as I say it because I know I'm the more open one in our relationship. Her smile makes it all worth it. My nickname for her couldn't be more true because she is beautiful inside and out; I just wish she could see it too.

"I'm sorry, but I think this is the part where you're supposed to ask me for phone sex?" She teases, reminding me of one of our first phone calls.

"Grayson, I'm going to hang up if you don't have anything to say."

"No you won't," They don't call it liquid courage for nothing, "You actually like talking to me."

"Do not."

I let it slide because I can tell by the way her voice pitched slightly that she was lying, but it doesn't matter. "How's Spain?"

"Sleeping," Tessa quips back, and I chuckle lightly as I round a corner careful not to bump into the person also rounding the corner.

"You can go to sleep if you want?" I offer, hearing the tiredness seeping from within her voice through the telephone line.

She yawns and it takes a moment for her to respond, "I'm awake now, you might as well make it worth my while."

I can't help but smirk because she set me up perfectly, "So were you thinking phone sex or were you wanting to FaceTime and get nasty that way."

"Really Grayson?"

I resist the urge to laugh and keep going, "Oh I know. We could do this role playing situation where you dress in a maid's outfit and get one of you friends in on it and make it interesting."

But Tessa surprises me by laughing and playing along, "Maybe if you're the one in the maid's outfit."

I exaggerate the gasp after walking into the now empty building save for the security guard at the front desk that waves me through to the elevator, "Tess you naughty girl. Who knew you were kinky," I tease, but she continues laughing.

"Actually I think this is the part where you dress up in a hot teacher's outfit instead of a maid's. You could definitely pull off that look," After I say this, Tessa bursts out laughing, and the taxi driver looks back at me in the mirror incredulously.

"Well I think you might be out of luck with both of those outfits on me."

I shake my head laughing and ignoring his look. "That's a shame, they'd both look great on you."

"I love you and as much as I miss you, I actually need to get some sleep."

"I love you too, goodnight Tessa."

"Goodnight Grayson."

"Sorry about that, my girlfriend and I have a bit of a sense of humor," I apologize to the taxi driver who nods in response.

"It's not my place to judge what you do inside the bedroom, but handcuffs are definitely a fun advantage to have." He says and I smile politely not really sure how to respond to that bit of information.

"Oh uh thanks?"

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