Pietro Maximoff-Love Again

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Warning: Self-Harm

It was a recurring nightmare.

The moment the love of your life lost the sparkle in his eyes.

The blood in his cheeks.
The way his body jerked forward.
That was the moment you knew.

You knew he was gone before he touched the ground and yet, you still ran. Amidst the rain of bullets coming from your team and across the enemy line, you had dropped to your knees and hugged his lifeless body, willing with all your might for Death to return him.

To be kind to you.
Just this once.

Hadn't Death made you suffer enough?

You had struggled against Tony's attempts to take you away from him, ignored Natasha's pleadings to get out of there.
Clint was having an even harder time trying to calm Wanda, but her rage had grown out of control and she blew up the whole HYDRA facility and everything around it.

Erasing the people that had killed her brother.


Two Nights Later

The pain.

It was almost unbearable as it weighed heavily on your broken heart. The crying hadn't come until the day after and once it stopped, you felt numb and detached from the world. Then, the fresh realization kicked in, almost paralyzing you in agonizing grief. You knew Wanda felt a million times worse than you and you thought back to the night you had hugged each other tightly and cried as though the world were ending.

And in a way, it felt like yours had.

You wandered through the halls of the Tower like a ghost. Wanda hadn't left her room since the incident and the sound of violent smashing kept the others from approaching her.
You didn't want to bother her, either.
And you didn't want to talk to anyone else.

Moonlight streamed into the living room, turning your skin a pale color as you walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. You absently ran your hands over the black marble island.

Cool to the touch.
The color of Death itself.
You pulled open a drawer.
A flash of silver, gleaming faintly in the dark. You stared at the contents of the drawer with a thoughtful expression before picking one up and inspecting it with all the scrutiny of a metal smith.
The sharp edge glinted and curved into the smooth, obsidian handle.

Could you?
Would you do it?

So much had been taken from you.
Your parents.
Your little brother.
And now, your love.

Death had stolen them.

You lightly drew the knife along your wrist.

Death made you miserable.

You pressed harder.

Tortured you.

It burned. You were on fire.

You'd show Death.

Blood poured from your forearm.

Death would not win. Not this time.

The lights flicked on and you froze, the knife halfway up your other arm.
You slowly turned around.

Steve watched in horror as blood dripped from both of your arms and pooled on the floor.

"Holy shit." He breathed.

You looked down at your blood covered limbs as though you were seeing them for the first time.

What the hell were you doing?

You slumped against the island as everything came
crashing down on your shoulders, your arms throbbing painfully.
"I-I-" you tried to say something, anything.
But nothing came out.
"Y/N." Steve said. "I need you to put down the knife. Please."
Much to your surprise, you dropped it.
You never listened to Steve.

He hurried forward and led you into the living room, seating you on the couch and desperately looking around for something to help him. Finding nothing, he took off his shirt, ripped it in two and began to carefully wrap your arms up. You tried not to wince as the fabric rubbed against your cuts and turned your head to look out the glass windows at the city below for a distraction.

"Y/N, everything will be okay. I promise." He said softly as he tended to you. You sighed, feeling a little lightheaded and more exhausted than you were before.

"Don't make promises you can't keep." You whispered.

He fell silent and you looked down at your cut skin. You knew they would heal, but could your heart do the same?
You weren't sure.

It ached in it's own way, squeezing tightly and leaving you breathless. There wasn't much you could do to fix it.
And as you looked out at the city, mesmerized by the glow, your heart mourned to love again.

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