Tony Stark-3 AM Activity

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"Y/N, wake up. Wake up!"

You slowly opened your eyes to see your best friend, Tony Stark, hovering over you with a worried look on his face.

"Tony? What's wrong?" You asked, sitting up and rubbing your eyes tiredly.

"Can't go to sleep. Wanna watch a movie with me?"
You glanced at the clock on your desk.
3 AM.

"Please. At least, until I fall asleep." He pleaded.

You could see how much being alone bothered him, even though he usually preferred to be by himself. It was very different at night. When everyone closed their eyes and counted sheep in their dreams, Tony was wide awake. There was nothing anyone could do because he resisted any attempts to get him help. He liked to claim that he was a professional and anything some "mind poking doctor" had to say was something he already knew.

You sighed and kicked off the blankets, knowing he wasn't going to let you go back to sleep. Not that you could, anyways.

The cold draft from the hallways of the Tower slowly seeped into your pores and you were more than awake by the time you got to the den. Transforming it into an in-home movie theatre was Clint's idea and at the moment, you were grateful Tony wasn't dragging you to one of those 24 hour cinemas that looked like homes for rats and other pests.

The theatre room was your favorite.

Alongside four long rows of cushiony recliners, massive beanbags were spread out across the floor and among the stairs leading to the film room. Right beneath the screen was a huge, queen sized couch bed that took up most of the front floor space for those who wanted to be as close to the movie screen as possible.
Tony had built in a snack bar that DUM-E was usually in charge of. It held the Stark versions of a popcorn machine, ice cream and nacho dispensers and racks of different candy bars.
"Stark version" meaning everything was bigger, faster and better.
You sighed and collapsed onto the couch bed as Tony hurried up to the film room to put on a movie. As the beginning credits ran, you felt him snuggle up against you and you automatically laid your head on his chest, his arm wrapping around your shoulder.

"Thanks for waking up, Sleeping Beauty."
He began to draw circles on your shoulder with his thumb and you looked up at him.

"You're okay now?"
"Now that you're with me."

You smiled softly. Tony had been your best friend for as long as you could remember and you were happy that he appreciated your presence. Usually, hanging out with each other meant a lot of sarcastic remarks, pointed insults and a mix of every curse word either of you could think up. Steve hated being around the both of you at the same time. He could barely handle one of you.

Soon, the movie came to an end and you yawned loudly, stretching out your limbs as Tony's arm slipped off your shoulder.

You shook him gently, but the man was out like a light. He looked so peaceful, you didn't want to wake him up. Plus, everything in the Tower was usually quiet when he was knocked out. You slowly began to move when he quickly rolled over and pulled you into his chest, resting his chin on top of your head.
"Just a...a couple more minutes, Y/N." He muttered before beginning to snore softly. You snuggled closer to him and wrapped one arm around his waist, closing your eyes.


"Who was watching Legally Blonde?"

Clint, Sam and Bucky walked into the theatre room as Reese Witherspoon's high-pitched voice echoed through the surround sound speakers.

"Well, well what do we have here?" Sam said, edging closer to the couch bed.

"It's Tony and...Y/N."
"Wake em' up."
"You wake them up!"
"Don't be a wuss, Barnes. Just—"

"If you wake her up, I'll blast you to fucking bits."

All three men froze.

Tony had twisted his arm around, revealing the wrist repulser he wore that was currently aimed at their heads. They immediately began to back away and once they were far enough, they scrambled out the door, tripping over each other's feet.

He brought his arm back around to pull you closer and sighed contentedly as you nuzzled into his chest.

"My Sleeping Beauty."

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