Steve Rogers-Who You Are Pt. 3

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Knock, knock, knock.

Your whole body froze at the sound, the dishes you'd been washing dropping into the sink with a clatter as different scenarios ran through your head.

Could it be Steve?

Rebecca, with news of Bucky?

The milkman who didn't deliver your milk on time last week?

As calmly as you could, you dried your hands on your apron and steadily walked to the door.

You took a shaky breath.


Swinging it open, you came face to face with an older man in uniform and a young woman dressed in a leather bomber jacket and dark green slacks.

You tensed.

Army officials did not mean good news.

"You're Y/N?" The man asked, his voice gruff and his face to match.

"Who's asking?"

"We are. Captain Rogers..."

The woman trailed off as you pressed your lips together in a thin line. You'd seen the films and how greatly liked Steve was by the American people.

At least, most being under the age of twelve. You didn't like the fact that he was prancing around like a fool and you knew that Steve must be hating it.

"You've got him putting on quite the show."

The woman sighed.

"Agent Peggy Carter. This," she gestured to the man, "is Colonel Phillips. We've just delivered news to the Barnes family—"


Peggy stopped and you could feel the blood draining from your face as she bit her lip regretfully.

"James Barnes is missing in action. He was on a mission with Steve Rogers."

"Carter." Phillips said, his voice a warning.

She avoided the scathing look the Colonel directed at her and kept her eyes steadfast upon your own.

You didn't know what to say. It couldn't possibly be true, your best friend not being on this world anymore and as your chin began to tremble, you clenched your teeth together, determined not to cry.

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