Tuesday, 12th April 1912

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I awoke to the sweet, strengthening eyes of Leonardo warming the crimson of my eyes, yet my feelings felt shadowed. Weakened, a smiled a loving smile and sat up, my fingers intertwined in those of his. These feelings I felt for him were madness; a madness not even the most senseless asylum patients could comprehend. Perhaps that's hyperbole, or perhaps I'm the victim of a brutal slaying; the weapon being one of love, adoration and infatuation. Soon, I may pray for release, but at the moment I enjoy this.
Unanticipatedly, the monstrous scream began once more (I couldn't understand if these deathly lullabies are rhythms from my mind, or verses more sinister). I swallowed harshly, and ventured out to investigate. Turning back, I took another glance at my breathtaking Leonardo, who dozed off once more in the gloomy fog of this early morning. My feet patterned along the wretched and neglected floorboards, the screams growing louder. Adrenaline possessing my organs, heart thumping tirelessly to the beat of this boat thumping against the trothy current. Again, I was the puppet on string, these mysterious sounds containing dark secrets the puppeteer.
What appeared beneath my eyes next was something despicable; indescribable. An unspeakable thing was erected for my eyes to see, a supernatural insanity.

On the floor, lay a lady of grace and sophistication, presumably one from the ball. Decapitated, her face was torn, portraying an indelible look of fright, dismay and distress. The skin upon her face was slashed, leaving gashes oozing blood to run into the creases of her neck. Her initial cause of death unknown; her beheading seemed to have a large part of it.
However the creature draped upon her disturbed me even more, confusion and fright shadowing my sensibility. This creature, this thing; directly resembled a demon, galloping towards me on all fours. Aggressive teeth and eyes flooded with blood. With this, I instantly knew her cause of death; tough, harsh bite marks decorated her pale face, exploding viridescent infections. This creature was inhuman; perhaps a zombie. Yes, undoubtedly a zombie.
I prayed to God that evening, a practice I never usually endure. I was always forced to attend church, but failed to believe any of the preposterous lies I'd pretend to believe. As I prayed, however, somehow I felt him listen to me and understand my wishes. For what I saw that day was nothing of God's creations; something against him instead. Leonardo prayed with me; perhaps it was his presence that made these prayers feel so relaxing - I fell further into love with him than I would allow myself to apprehend. Maybe I wasn't just praying for safety and survival, maybe it was for him, too. Though he seemed as infatuated with me as I was with him. Mother would be so proud!

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