Chapter 9

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"You don't like her. You don't. You're in love with Dayne. He is the one for you. You don't have feelings for Francine."

And no matter how much she told herself that, Amanda knew she really did like Francine. She decided not to tell the others. She was still trying to figure everything out. Telling them will just be another obstacle.

Weeks passed since she admitted it. Basil and Amanda were in their office when a woman came to the door. "A meeting was called in the upper office." Basil and Amanda followed her out.

"What exactly is the meeting for," Amanda asked. The woman shrugged. "I'm not sure. All the supervisors were just called this morning."

The trio walked into the elevator and went to the top floor. The person leading the meeting was none other than Francine. She had on a white blouse and a black pencil dress. Basil nudged Amanda. "Looks like your girlfriend wanted to impress you." She pushed him back, ignoring his chuckle.

They took their seats and waited for others to come in. Emíle walked in, looking sharp in his grey suit. Stella sat in her seat, straightening her yellow dress.

"Thank you all for coming," Francine started. "This is a really important meeting, but I'll keep it brief. We have reached a milestone. As of today, we begin work on our second company, Olympus Inc. It will develop new technology and reach out to the ends of the earth."

Applause was heard throughout the room. Francine held up her hand, quieting the supervisors. "I mention that to say this: one of you will become CEO of that company. I can't lead two companies by myself, so I will give Olympus to one of you.

"I am looking for the one with most potential. The one that has the qualities of a good leader. I believe in all of you. Good luck!"

Everyone filed out of the room. Conversation already sparked. Any one of them can be CEO of Olympus. "It'll obviously be me," Basil said, popping his collar. "I mean I was promoted to supervisor just weeks after being an understudy."

"That's called luck," Stella rolled her eyes. "Francine said she needs someone with potential. A leader. A hotshot college graduate from Dallas is not going to make it." Emíle smirked. "I guess that means you're out of the picture, Miss Hotshot from Ohio." Stella flared her nostrils and left.

Basil nudged Amanda's shoulder. "How do you feel about this?" "Quesy," she sighed. She had to be honest. She just came to terms with her feelings that day. Now with the pressure of competition on top of that, she felt dizzy and sick. "I'm not even sure if I can get the position," she admitted.

Emíle put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't doubt yourself. You have worked harder than anyone else in this company. Myself included. You have a greater chance of winning. Francine has to see that too." She nodded. She can't throw all of her cards off the table. She had to work for it at least. She still felt sick though.

On her way out, she heard someone call her name. Or at least try. "Hey, Amy." She turned and saw Stella. "I need a favor." "If it's about those papers you brought, they should be on your desk." Stella shook her head. "It's not about that. I was asking if you would like to help me with this. If I become CEO, you can be second-in-command."

Amanda thought about it. She knew she may not get the CEO job, so this was her best chance. She shook Stella's hand. "Deal."

"Did you really accept to help a witch," Basil asked when they went back to the office. "I'm taking my best chances," Amanda explained. "If helping Stella is it, I'll take it."

That was days ago. Now, she regretted even saying yes. She was swamped with what seemed to be Stella's extra work. "It's like when I first worked for her," Amanda thought.

Basil walked through the door. "What time did you get here," he asked. "6:30 this morning," Amanda grumbled taking another sip of coffee. Basil became concerned. "Are you sure you don't need any help? I can barely see your head above all that work." "I'm sure. I'll be done by the end of the day."

Even by lunch, the work barely moved. It was now isolated to one side of the desk. Her hands were typing away, checking off papers, and calling for interns to deliver the stacks to Stella. "You sure did a lot," Basil sighed. "Are you sure you don't want to stop?" Amanda didn't even look up. "The faster I finish this, the less I have to do tomorrow."

Basil offered to get her lunch, and left his friend behind. "How's it coming," someone asked. Stella was leaning against the doorway. "Almost done," Amanda lied. "Good. If you keep this up, I will be CEO in no time. And you will be my right hand, of course. Francine already honored me with all the work. Just a little more, Amanda."

Amanda smiled with tired eyes. Espin left, her heels clicking behind her. "Every time I do something for her, she gets rewarded," Amanda groaned. But she knew it was her fault for signing up. "At least she got my name right this time." Basil came back with food and more coffee. "You need it," he smiled. Amanda thanked him and basked in the caffeine.

Soon, the sun began to set. Basil packed to leave. "Have fun on your date," Amanda told him, checking off another file. "You're not going," Basil asked. She shook her head. "I'm nowhere near done." And it was the truth. The pile finally melted into a stack of 50, but it was still going to take a while to finish.

"Amanda, I can cancel. I can call the guy and tell him I'm sick. Let me help you." Amanda smiled. "I really appreciate that, but I signed up for this. Besides, you've been wanting to go out with this guy all week. It won't be fair to ask you to stay."

Basil sighed, feeling sorry for his friend. "I'll go. Just promise me to call as soon as you get home, okay?" She nodded and watched as he left.

"Almost done," Amanda yawned. The sun set four hours ago. She had one file left. "Knock knock," someone called. "Office is closed," Amanda announced without looking at the visitor. "Which is why I'm trying to get you out, Miss Cox."

Amanda looked up and saw Francine leaning in the doorway. "Do you know what time it is?" Amanda looked back at her work, hoping Francine didn't notice her staring. "Sorry. I didn't mean to stay too long." She entered in the last file and packed her things.

"No problem," Francine smiled, helping Amanda with her bag. "You want the position." Amanda chuckled. "I don't think I'm cut out for it. The files are for Stella. She asked me to help her in exchange for second in command."

"I see," Francine said intrigued. "Well, let me walk you out. We are the only two left." Amanda's heart skipped a beat. Walk out with Francine? "You don't have to," she said shyly. Francine shook her head. "I insist."

The two entered the elevator and walked towards the front door. To their surprise, it was pouring. "Shit," Amanda hissed. Francine ran to a side door and came back with a black object. "There are some spare umbrellas, but this is the last one."

Amanda made a decision. "You need to get home, so take it." "But what kind of boss would I be if I left you in the rain? I'm walking you to your car." "I don't have a car," Amanda whispered. Francine smirked. "To the subway then."

The two made their way to the nearest station. It was then that Amanda saw how tall Francine was. She was 5'1", which was ant size compared to Francine's 5'7". When they stopped at a crosswalk, Amanda snuck closer. "I'm only cold," Amanda thought.

She could smell Francine's perfume. It was a beautiful mix of vanilla and rose. Francine's beauty rolled off of her in waves. "God, she's wonderful," Amanda thought.

They finally made it to the subway station, but Amanda wished Francine walked her home. "I should be on my way," Francine smiled. She gave Amanda her umbrella. "Don't you need to walk home," Amanda asked. Francine shook her head. "I'll be fine. Just make sure you return it." Amanda nodded and clutched the umbrella near her heart.

Francine stayed on the platform, making sure the train left safely. Amanda waved goodbye to her boss. As the doors closed, Francine grinned. Wait, was that...a wink?

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