Chapter 12

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Amanda walked towards Francine's office, her breath caught in her throat. She fiddled with the white blouse she was wearing. "It's unlocked," a familiar voice yelled after she knocked on the door. Amanda opened it, praying she wasn't in trouble.

Francine's face lit up when she saw the young supervisor. "Amanda! Come right in!"

Amanda stepped in, her cheeks flushed and her steps careful. "Am I in trouble?" She stood next to the door, ready to leave at any moment.

Francine laughed, fluttering Amanda's heart. "Why don't you take a seat?" She poured two glasses of water and offered one to Amanda. Amanda took it, taking quiet sips.

"I brought you here," Francine said as she rested the glass on the coaster. "Because I need your honest opinion."

She walked to her private bathroom. Minutes later, the same woman that wore suits and dresses was now wearing...

"Is that lingerie?!" Amanda's mind scrambled.

Francine chuckled, her cheeks hinting to a shade of red. "Of course it is," she grinned. "What do you think?"

Amanda could barely think, let alone speak her mind. The sheer fabric put Francine's body on display. Amanda could detail every curve, every piece of perfection. The colors and hues accented her olive skin.

Francine watched her, waiting for an answer. Amanda's lips couldn't move. Her heart was beating a million miles a minute. She felt parts of her awaken that she never knew were this conscience. She clamped her legs together and looked at her lap, afraid she would be found out.

Francine smirked and walked towards Amanda. She put a finger under her chin and lifted it. "That's the exact response I wanted."

Francine's lips crashed into Amanda's. She lifted her employee from the seat and placed her on the desk. Amanda felt every ounce of desire and passion in the kiss. It was more than she ever felt with Dayne.

Her boss must have read her mind. "Don't think about him right now," Francine said, kissing her neck. "Just think about us." She bit Amanda's collarbone and took one end of her blouse.

"Do me a favor," Francine smiled, pullimg the blouse over her head and kissing between Amanda's breasts. Amanda couldn't speak; she nodded her head. Francine nibbled her earlobe and whispered in her ear, "Wake up, darling."

Amanda shot up in her bed, her pillow covered in sweat. The blankets were tangled around her legs. She felt a familiar warmth in her cheeks and between her legs. "I fucking hate this," she mumbled under her breath.

She got out of bed and went straight to the shower. The water was freezing, but her mind was still processing the dream.

Amanda's hands worked their magic, her body reacting to each move. Even though she knew they were her hands, she couldn't stop thinking that they were Francine's. It didn't take long for her to come apart, her hips still jerking.

Amanda walked into the office, only to learn that Basil wasn't coming in. "Great," she sighed. She sat at her desk and was surprised when an intern delivered bundles of work to her. Her eyes widened with shock. "What's this?"

The intern shrugged. "This was meant to be for Mr. Pierce. But since he's not here, I was told to give it to you. Sorry." He walked out leaving a shocked Amanda behind him.

Basil's work required Amanda to leave the office constantly. Her feet screamed and protested, but she pressed on. "You owe me big time," she huffed under her breath.

She went back to the office, out of breath. She had to drop off final sketches at the next department. Not only was the distance long, the pile of sketches toward over Amanda's head.

She did her best to balance the weight. "I think I got this," she sighed. But, she spoke too soon. When she turned around a corner, the stack began to sway. Amanda waltzed with it, trying to regain control.

"Let me help you," a man spoke. A pair of hands took most of the stack.

"Thanks," Amanda sighed.

"No problem."

Amanda finally looked at her hero, who was none other than Emíle. "Mr. Breaux," she said with surprise. "I'm sorry-I didn't-I wasn't-"

"It's fine, really," he laughed. "Where are we taking these." Amanda told him and they started to make their way. "So," he said. "I heard you're making progress with your department. That CEO position might be your's soon."

Amanda felt herself groan. She knew she lost every chance at taking the position. Now, it felt like people were rubbing it in.

"Hey," Emíle smiled, noticing her reaction. "It's not that bad. You're sure to have that position."

"You're just saying that," Amanda scoffed.

"I'm serious," he continued. "You should hear how everyone praises you. Especially Francine." Amanda gave him a curious look. "Come on," he said in disbelief. "You can't tell me you don't hear her. Or see the looks she gives you."


Emíle chuckled. "I said too much already." They stopped in front of the elevator and waited for the doors to open. "You can always tease, though."

Amanda's eyes widened. "You don't mean...flirting?"

He smiled. "I don't know, what do I mean?" As soon as the doors opened, Emíle took the rest of the sketches. "I'm only saying you can take advantage of this, Amanda. You'll never know what can happen."

Amanda walked back to her office, a thousand questions coursing through her head. Did she really want to do this? Flirt with Francine? Become CEO of Olympus? It had to be ridiculous!

But then again, what if everything Emíle said was true? What if she could be CEO? What if Francine did give her looks? What if...Francine felt the same about her?

Amanda didn't know. Her feet were hurting so much, she couldn't think straight. As soon as she arrived at her office, she grabbed the phone and called the one person she knew could help her.

"Hello," a voice on the other end answered.

Amanda let out a sigh. "Hey, it's me."

She spilled her guts. Everything from getting hired by Atlantis to breaking up with Dayne to now.

"That is a lot," the person replied. "But why call me now?"

"I need your help," Amanda admitted.

"I'm on my way to a coffee shop downtown. I sent the address. Meet me there."

The line went dead. Amanda hung up her phone and grabbed her purse. She zoomed out the doors, heading straight to the local cafe.

It was bustling with life. People were coming in and out, ordering their lunches and pick me ups. Amanda noticed a woman sitting near the back. She walked over and took a seat across from her.

"Thanks for coming. I know you have a busy schedule."

The woman smiled widely. "No problem. Anything for you, my dear." She took off her shades. Her eyes were a bright shade of blue with hints of green. Her wrinkles showed years of happiness and wisdom.

"So," the woman said, resting her chin in her hand. "What can I do for my daughter?"

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