paranormal; knj x ksj (HORROR)

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JIN & NAMJOON, holding hands. Namjoon was holding a lime green umbrella above the both of their heads as they walk along the peaceful path in the forest. The only sounds you can hear are the light peeking of the woodpeckers along the trees, and the soft pattering of the rain. The lime green shade of the umbrella illuminates their faces a light green tone.

"It's just up ahead" Namjoon says.

Jin lets him bring him through the trees that have lost their leaves. Namjoon had brought him to a clear area, with a massive tree in the middle, still full of leaves. The clearing was covered in leaves, making it seem as though it was past midnight. Flowers decorated the ground, and vines crawled up the trees.

"It's beautiful" Jin whispered out, slowly doing a circle to observe the scenery. Namjoon softly giggles, before replying. "It's beauty reminds me of you." He trails off, his voice growing softer as he leans in, gently connecting their lips together. Nothing but affection for one another.

Pulling away, he smiles. "So beautiful and full of life, despite the decay that grow around you." Jin blush at his words, slowly walking out of under the umbrella. He ignores the feeling of his clothing slowly getting drenched as he walks up to the grand tree, placing his hand up against the bark.

"W-wait! You'll catch a cold! Get back under!" Namjoon says in a hurry, making his towards his lover.

The rain continues to lightly dance along their clothing and hair.


Jin turned around when Namjoon didn't finish his sentence, seeing him face first on the floor, the lime umbrella snapped.


He groans in acknowledgement, as the older makes his way towards him. "Are you alright?" Jin asks as he helps Namjoon up. "yeah , I'm fine." He giggles lightly as Jin pulls out a handkerchief from his pocket, before gently wiping the dirt off of the younger's face.

He takes a hold of Jin's hand as he stands up, before twirling him around. "Care for a dance?" He asked in a mock-macho voice. Jin laughed lightly as his antics, but happily nods as he is pulled in from another twirl.

The falling rain and broken umbrella long forgotten as they danced under the grand tree, slowly becoming soaked from head to toe. They didn't mind one bit, simply happy to be in each other's company.

Namjoon twirls Jin one final time before pulling him close, gently rocking him. "I love you..." He looked down at Jin, his blush evident on his face. "I love you, too" Jin answers back before Namjoon leans down once more, kissing him gently.


"How will we go home with the umbrella broken?" Jin questions, as he picks up the broken object.

They had simply enjoyed each other companies as it slowly got darker and darker in the clearing. The large tree had been protecting them from the rain, but it was starting rain harder and night time was quickly approaching.

Namjoon shrugged off his jacket, before holding it over their heads. "Like this." He smiles.

The forest was silent, not a sound besides the hard splatting noise of the rain against the muddy forest ground. A dark fog began to settle in.

They were blissfully unaware of the slithering noise that creeped up to them.

"Namjoon, what would you like for dinn-" Jin's words die in his throat as he sees a slithery black substance slide out of his lover's nose. Pulling out his handkerchief from earlier, he flips it to the clear side before holding it against his nose.

"J-Jin" Namjoon chokes on his words, before coughing up the same slimy substance that had began to run from his nose.

Jin had begun to panic. Ignoring his hygiene, he wipes the black matter from Namjoon's chin as it slowly dribbles off of his chin. Looking up, he holds in a shriek as he notices Namjoon's eyes rolling back into his skull, black tears sliding out of his eyes. The younger's knees buckle, and Jin is too slow to catch him as he flops onto his back.

"N-Namjoon!" Jin cries out, kneeling next to his lover. He shakes him desperately, his movements become more frantic as he saw the same slime slid out of his ears.

The younger had grown silent, his body slowly becoming colder as the black tears slid down his cheeks, staining them.

With shaky hands Jin reaches into his pant pocket, pulling out his cellphone. Typing in 911, he was met with beeps.

"Damnit!" He threw his phone somewhere into the forest when he realized he had no cell reception.

He was about to call out to Namjoon again when he heard it. The sound of slithering.

"H-H-Hello?" He called out, grabbing hold of his lover's ice cold hand.

He had little to no time to react as something wrapped around his ankle before he was sent flying through the air, brutally slamming into a tree. Electrifying pain shot through his body. The excruciating pain in his legs tell him that they were broken. His vision went blurry, before being covered in red. Shakily, he brings his hand up and wipes the red from his vision.


He could feel himself being to hyperventilate as he made eye contact with what had thrown him. Large fangs poked out of his severely dismorphed black blob of a body. It was enormous, in both height and size. Piercing yellow eyes missing their pupils stared at him, as it made an inhumane noise. His tendrils flew out, before wrapping themselves around Namjoon's cold body.

"NO!" Jin shouted, using his elbows to crawl towards the beast that had a hold of his lover. It unleashes another howl before wrapping his tendrils around Seokjin's waist, slamming him into the ground numerous times.

Despite the pain that invaded his systems, Jin could not stop staring at Namjoon.

The world spun violently, and he could feel his stomach lurk in nausea. The world flipped upside down as the creature held him by his legs, his blood slowly rushing to his head.

Seemingly content with Jin's silence, the monster turns his attention back to Namjoon. It opens his mouth large, before shoving the younger in.

Jin could only scream and thrash around in it's hold and he was forced to listen to it crush all of Namjoon's bones as it chewed him.

Re-opening it's mouth, a dark fog slowly poured out of it.

"O-Oh god!" Jin's tears mixed with the blood flowing from his forehead and he struggled even harder against the supernatural being. "Help! H-Help m-" He was slammed into the ground again, harder than before. He grew silent.

With half focus eyes, he could see the beast re-open his mouth, fangs gleaming in the moonlight.

"Someone help me..."


The sound of a phone going off rang through the early morning of the forest.

JIMIN: hyung,, I'm worried.


YOONGI: Hyung, Aren't you coming?


JUNGKOOK: Where are you hyung?


TAEHYUNG: I thought we were having a triple date tonight, where you at?


HOSEOK: Why didn't you pick me up at work, hyung?


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