chapter 18

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ethans pov:
what the hell. what. the. hell. first she says I'M gonna find other girls in new jersey. then she breaks up with me.
now she's going out with some other guy.
i start to break down and cry. everything we did she's now doing with him... screw. my. life. i loved her, i STILL love her. there's nothing i can do.. she's over me and she's moved on.. now i need to do the same..
i start to punch my pillow in anger and then i lay on my bed and cry.
grays pov:
that did not just happen...
first of all what is emma doing with some random guy?
second of all what the heck even happened between her and ethan in the first place. every time i try to talk about it he shuts me down. i don't understand.
suddenly my phone buzzes
em: gray...have you seen the pic...
gray: yeah...not only that, so has ethan..what the heck is going on emma? what even happened between you too?
em: he never told you?
gray: all he said was that you guys ended things
em: yeah... but i don't know grayson...i don't know. what should i even do?? can i even do anything... e most likely hates me.
gray: so your not dating that guy?
em: god no. me and him were just friends... and then all of a sudden i'm about to leave the coffee place he lunged at me and started to kiss me and i pulled away fast, to get out of that mess, and told him i don't like him like that. and then left. how did people even get that pic..
gray: fans are everywhere i couldn't tell you.. all i know is that you need to come down here and talk to e.
em: are you sure...what if he doesn't want to see me..
gray: that doesn't matter, he will if you come all the way down here.
em: okay. okay. i'm gonna do it.
em: text me the address!
gray: okay *address*
em: thank you! see you soon!
emma's pov:
after i got done talking with gray, i get my suitcase and pack a weeks amount of clothes to bring, and some other accessories. i then put my shoes on, and grab a jacket and hurry out the door. i'm driving as fast as i can, because the quicker the better.
i love ethan. and i want him to know that. these past 2 1/2 weeks have sucked without him here. and i can't handle one more day without him. especially after jack kissed me, ew. all i want is to be in ethans arms right now, more then ever...
i arrive at the airport and get my bag and walk inside. "crap.. i never bought a ticket.." i scratch my head while trying to think. hopefully they have a flight open to new jersey.
i walk towards the desk where the lady works. "hi, i would like to book a flight to new jersey as soon as possible."
"okay..well let's see what we have open at the moment.." she says while looking and scrolling through her computer screen. i'm starting to get impatient, i NEED to see ethan now.
"oh here we go there's one about to take off in 20 minutes.. is that okay? because i know you still have to go through security and all that" she says questioning me
"nope that's perfect." i say fast trying to rush this so i can get going
"alright here you g-" i run off before she can even finish her sentence. i cannot miss this flight. i rush to security and wait in line for about 5 minutes. once i get out of security i go to read my ticket to see what gate i'm at [gate C4] then i realized my gate is literally on the other side of the airport "just my luck." i sigh and start running with my suitcase while people look at me.
as i'm running a girl looks at me and smiles and waves then gives a look like, what is she doing? i'm pretty sure she's a fan
as i continue to run, i make my way to my gate i see a sign that shows [C12] okay only 8 more gates to go. we got this emma. as i continue to run, and i swear this is the most i've ever run before and i'm out of breath. then i hear the speaker from the airport " 5 minute warning for gate C4"
"crap." i run even faster.
as i reach my gate the lady was walking towards the doors to close them but before she could i yelled "WAIT"
she turns around "oh you must be Emma Chamberlain"
"do u know me?" i ask curiously but out of breath
"nope, your just the last person we were waiting on"
" that. here's my ticket" as i say that i hand her my ticket
"thank you, you may board" she says smiling while closing the doors behind me. thank god i got here in time.
as i make my way to my seat it's possibly the worst seat ever. do i care? not really. kinda...a little bit. i just need to see ethan and i'll do anything for him. even if that means sitting by the bathrooms, for a while 6 hour flight.

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