11 Days Before X-Mas

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I only had about two hours before I clock into work. Over the past hour, I finished my morning routine of getting ready for work before I have to take care of Ella--who's still in bed. I took a nice warm shower, brushed my teeth, applied light makeup and dressed up for work. For today I just wore black slacks, a plain white turtleneck shirt, and a black blazer to complete the outfit. 

Now, it's time to wake up my lovely Ella. I headed into her room and I was surprised to see already dressed up for today. She was sitting on the edge of her bed, struggling to slip on her boots. I chuckled at her struggle and lent her a helping hand. "Here, let me help you, you little elf." 

"Good morning, mommy.", she smiles and gives me her boot to slip it on for her. Once I successfully slipped the boot on her little feet, I tell her to meet me downstairs and wait for me to cook some breakfast while I fixed her bed. As I fixed her bed, I saw something in the corner of my sticking out of her pillow. Thinking it was just a random piece of paper, I took it out to place it on her desk. But it wasn't just a piece of paper, it was a picture. 

'I'm just glad she didn't get to watch you leave so that she doesn't know the reason. But your little girl is smarter than that, Lisa. I know you're--' 

My train of thought gets disturbed when I hear a loud terrifying scream coming from downstairs. I placed the picture back under her pillow and rushed downstairs. "Ella, what's-" I skid to a stop when I see the kitchen island just full of pancake flour. Then I see Ella slowly popping out and now she was full of pancake flour. I sighed and walked up to her, grabbing a towel along the way. I picked up Ella and placed her on the counter where the flour didn't get to. I started wiping her face. "Honey, what were you doing?", I chuckled. I can't stay mad at her. But like I said, she's smart and more independent. 

Take the pancake flour accident as an example. 

"You were taking too long, so I wanted to help you make pancakes.", she pouts thinking that I might yell at her for making a big mess. "Are you mad?" 

"What? No, baby. I'm not mad, but did you learn from your mistake?"

She nods. "Is it because I'm not tall enough yet?" 

I shake my head in disbelief, letting out a soft laugh. "Yes, love. It's because you're not tall enough yet. Now, let's get you changed and we'll just buy some breakfast outside and I'll drop you off at Aunt Irene's house okay?" She says okay while nodding her head. I lifted her off the counter and she walked herself upstairs to get herself quickly changed. 

After five minutes of her changing to a new set of clothes, we headed out of the apartment and walked a few blocks to a restaurant and ordered pancakes. Ella ordered hers with extra syrup. Like I said this child has a sweet tooth. And ordered a medium cup of hot chocolate. I ordered pancakes as well with a side of bacon and eggs and a cup of coffee. Once our order arrived, Ella quickly started digging in. 

Did I forget to mention she's always hungry? 

While I took my time eating my breakfast, Ella asked me a question. "Mommy, can we go to the mall to see Santa?", she then struggles to take a big bite of a big piece she cut off from her pancake. I waited until I finished chewing to answer her question, though I felt guilty for giving her a truthful answer. 

"I'm sorry, love. I can't take you today, but maybe I can when it's my day off. I hope you understand." She sadly nods and gives a weak smile. All of a sudden she's not hungry anymore, but at least she finished her breakfast. We paid for the check and we walked over to Seulgi's girlfriend's place aka Irene's. 

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