7 Days Before X-Mas

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Rose and Jisoo head into work at the same time, crashing into each other in front of the lobby. They both exchange their respectful good mornings and having small talk about Ella and how's been this morning. 

"Would you like to work at the cafe today? I can tell that you and I are getting tired of the break room coffee.", Rose offered with a chuckle of amusement. 

Jisoo agrees and said to meet her at the lobby while she gets paperwork that can help them finish their project. Rose had to do the same, so they both proceeded to their personal desks. 

As Rose approached her desk, she spots a mini Christmas tree with a note sticking at the top. She opens the folded note which read: You can't celebrate Christmas without a Christmas tree. :)

Rose peeks out of the corner of the hall that directly leads to Jisoo's desk. She wonders how Jisoo managed to place the Christmas tree on the desk without her looking. She suddenly sees Jisoo getting ready to head downstairs to the lobby, so Rose quickly gathered her things and rushed to catch up with Jisoo. 


While walking to the cafe that was a few blocks away from the building, Rose began to interrogate Jisoo about the Christmas tree. "So how'd you do it?" 

"Did what?", Jisoo asked looking puzzled at Rose as they walk. 

Rose laughs thinking Jisoo was just playing dumb, "Jisoo, I know it was you. You were at my desk this morning. You placed the Christmas tree, and that is really generous of you."

The short girl scoffs but laughs afterward. "Rose, I don't know what you're talking about. And how can I be at your desk when I was standing right next to you minutes before we left."

Now that Rose has thought about it, Jisoo did have a point. She immediately apologized for assuming such things and they proceeded to walk to the coffee shop. 
They ordered their large cups of hot chocolate and just stared at the huge pile of paperwork. 

"Looks like we're going to be here for a while."

"Well, we're going to be here longer if we don't start now."

They each get their paperwork and began to review it with each other and discussing ideas for their project. They can barely get two ideas done and they were slowly draining energy. 

They were so drained that Jisoo began to throw random ideas and Rose just lets her down by reminding her that those ideas she's spilling out were either from two years ago or probably exasperatingly from a century ago. 

Jisoo checks the time on her phone and she suddenly panics at the time, not realizing it's already seven in the evening. "Oh, shoot."

Rose looks at her, waiting for her to continue to spill the problem. Jisoo noticed and apologized that she needed to leave for dinner at her sister's condo.  Then she began to unintentionally brag, "I can't be late for all the karaoke and Christmas tree decorating. And if I did, I won't hear the end of her bickering." 

Rose chuckles and says, "Have fun. I'll just stay here and take over. And don't forget to tell Ella I said hi." 

Then an idea popped into Jisoo's head. "You should come over. You've been at this for hours, you should at least relax. And yesterday at the winter village did not count for relaxation. It was work." The tall girl respectfully rejects Jisoo's offer and said she needed to finish as soon as possible. 

As she walks out the door, Jisoo hums loud enough for Rose to hear: "A change scenery could be good for the inspiration."

After hearing Jisoo's statement, Rose gave in and chased after Jisoo outside the cafe. 

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