Int. Chan's House - Spring Break

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Another break from school befell Chan and he was grateful for it. He was too worked up about his last year of high school, finalizing his college paperwork and making sure his grades were still on par for the transcripts he'll have to send off. At least for the time being, he could sit back on his couch and entertain his mind with mindless television.

His phone vibrated next to him, sure to be some text from Minho and his missings of his boyfriend. Chan would tell him to go visit Jisung but he'll start to protest saying he didn't want to be annoying. Honestly, Chan thought Jisung probably missed Minho just as much. He picked up his phone anyway, face paling at the sight of the message.

Do you want to do something with me... I'm bored?? XD

Chan wanted to- no he didn't want to, he didn't want to get caught up in Woojin and his womanizing charm. Be it fair that it was something more like "menizing" since he was apparently after Chan. Chan just couldn't find it to be true. Woojin didn't like one person. He flirted with anyone, it was just who he was. Chan had seen it on multiple occasions. There was no way he could like him. No matter what Minho said, he obviously didn't know Woojin like Chan did.

Chan leaned back further on the couch, head all the way back as he thought about the first day he met Woojin.

It was sophomore year, Chan more or less adjusting to the high school atmosphere. Everyone was different in high school, acted more grown up. Sometimes Chan wondered if he'd ever feel that way, if he'd ever be as ready with his life as others around him were. Now, he could say he was, but back then, things were still very new, and it was at that time that he first encountered Kim Woojin.

Chan had the only empty seat beside him on the first day of chemistry sophomore year. Woojin had strode in late- Chan guessing he overslept- and the teacher assigned him the seat next to Chan. Chan was fine with it for the first week. Woojin had stayed silent, since most of that first week was just basics.

When it came time for their first partner work assignment, Chan had his first real conversation with him.

"Do you understand what we're doing?" He had asked, staring with pure confusion at the instructions before him. Chan nodded, already setting up the materials they would be needing. "You're smart then." He commented, clapping his hand down along with the paper. "I'll like you." Chan glanced over to Woojin, noticing him fully for the first time. He was easy on the eyes and he had a smile that Chan never really could forget. For a split second, Chan's heartbeat raced.

"You still have to help." Chan said, steady voice a contrast to how his insides were suddenly feeling. Woojin nodded enthusiastically.

"I'll do whatever you say." And sometimes Chan thought about those words a lot, about how differently things could have been if maybe he had been brave back then.

But soon enough, Chan wasn't the only one who noticed how attractive Woojin was. Girls started to fawn over him daily, sometimes interrupting their work to bother Woojin with some stupid question that he never even had the answer for. The girls still giggled though, thanking him with smirk before going back to their seats. Somehow, Chan got stuck with him all that year and the next, and senior was no different.

They still sat together in physics and now they were even better friends than before and the more time he had spent with Woojin, the more his feelings became apparent, and well, Chan wasn't sure he liked it.

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