Int. WooChan Room - Bedtime

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Chan cooked spaghetti with the help of the others. Mostly Woojin and Felix, Hyunjin also helped cut vegetables but left the actual cooking for Chan.

The food was delicious according to Jeongin- he couldn't stop helping himself to more servings each time he was done. Chan smiled at the lot, happy they were well fed. He might have allowed himself an extra once over Woojin who was slurping up noodles like a child. Sauce was on the corner of his lips and Chan had a desperate urge to kiss it away. Thankfully, Woojin cleaned it off before Chan launched at him.

Everyone was still pretty tired from their early morning so Chan suggested they take an early night in. Misung carried an already sleepy Jisung up to their room, Jeongin and Seungmin right behind them. Felix wasn't tired and ordered that he and Changbin go for a short walk out near the water. Chan warned them to not stray far and Felix just stuck his tongue out at him and ran off. Hyunjin was long gone after they had finished eating which left Woojin and Chan to clean up the mess. Woojin was oddly attentive to Chan, handing him a towel to do the drying while he did the washing. Chan told him he could go to bed to but Woojin said it wasn't fair and continued to wash dishes.

Their fingers managed to brush more often than not. Chan's pulse would quicken, a gasp of surprise on his tongue with the touch. Woojin seemed unaffected, resuming his duties and repeating the steps. It made Chan again accept that Woojin was so not into him.

Eventually it came time for sleep, Chan scrambling into his night clothes and jumping into bed. Chan tried his hardest to fall asleep quickly, but his hearing could only focus on Woojin as he shuffled around. He heard him shut the bathroom door, reopening it some minutes later and moving around near his bed. Woojin clicked off the lamp that was left on, darkness now surrounding them.

Chan opened his eyes, staring at the emptiness for a long while. He was just beginning to wonder if Woojin had fall asleep when he spoke up.

"Chan?" He didn't make a sound, determined not to let Woojin know he was awake. He heard him moving around, probably sitting up. "Are you asleep?" Chan again stayed silent, praying that Woojin just fall asleep. He heard Woojin unlock his phone, the tapping of his fingers making Chan think he was texting someone. It was silent for another moment before Woojin's phone buzzed, Woojin sighing and tapping again. Chan was curious as he heard him continue to text someone, Chan wondering who it was.

Suddenly, Woojin's phone was buzzing to life, Woojin stepping out of the room to answer. Chan could only hear murmurs and in waiting for Woojin to come back, he fell asleep.

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