Int. School - Physics

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Patiently, Chan waited for Woojin to saunter in. His knee was shaking, Woojin's notebook in front of him. He was going to give it back. He was nervous. He wondered if Woojin would say anything, ask him if he had read it at all. Chan wouldn't be sure if he'd tell the truth.

Woojin, finally, stepped in, looking as cool as ever as he sat beside Chan. He pulled out a pencil, hand going back into his bag presumably for his notebook.

"Hey." Chan whispered. Woojin turned."You gave me your notebook by mistake yesterday." He slid it over, Woojin stunned for a moment before taking the notebook.

"Thanks." He smiled, opening it to the last page and readying himself to write. Chan is a little confused to say the least. He thought Woojin would act more afraid, more nervous, but he seemed completely relaxed, not even sparing Chan a second glance. Chan was a little disappointed. He sighed, attempting to grab his own notebook only to remember Woojin still had it.

"Can I get my notebook back?" Woojin nodded, searching his bag and coming up with Chan's notebook. Chan thanked him, opening it and almost choking on a gasp.

Before him was his mess of confession, unfolded and taped to the next empty page.

I might like Woojin.

Chan turned to Woojin, the boy not looking his way. Chan stared back at the paper. His finger went to trace it, to make sure he wasn't seeing things. He lifted the piece of paper, it becoming see through when it hit the light. Chan noticed something on the back.

Let's talk after class.

So Chan waited anxiously as the minute hand ticked on, wondering just how long it would be before that bell finally dismissed them. When the bell went off, Chan almost regretted wishing time would go fast. Hie gathered his things with caution. He was about to encounter his fate. Woojin waited outside the door, an easy smile as they began to walk away.

"You know, I got really happy when I read your confession." Woojin admitted, stopping near the front door of the school. It was lunch right now and they didn't really have anywhere to be. It made Chan all the more nervous. "I knew it was your handwriting after I unfolded it, that's how much I copied your notes." He laughed, rubbing his neck. "So you might like me?" He said,eyes meeting Chan's looking so hopeful. It made Chan feel weird. He actually cared. It was unsettling how much he did care.

"I-" Chan doesn't even know what words to say to make this less weird. "I- you should know," He sighed, leaning back against the wall. "I've liked you for a long time." Honesty is all he has. Might as well admit to it all. "I might have liked you since the first day I met you." Chan doesn't dare meet Woojin's eye. "But I didn't think you could like me back. You had so many other people to choose from, why pick me?" Every insecurity that Chan had felt about his feelings, dwindled down into this moment, Woojin frowning as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Because I like you, not them." Woojin declared, the words said out loud for the first time. Chan's heart raced, more so than usual. This felt like a dream, it had to be a dream. "I told you I'd like you." Chan thought it was a mindless comment, turns out he had already confessed. Day one and Woojin was already admitting to his feelings. And here was Chan, still so oblivious, still so stupid for never realizing that maybe Minho was right. Maybe Woojin had liked him all along.

"Do you really?" Chan still needed more affirmation, the words still so unreal. Woojin let his right hand fall, gripping Chan's hand with it while the other went to Chan's chin. He closed in on him, lips a mere centimeter away as if waiting for Chan to stop him. Chan can't. When their lips do meet, Woojin is in full control, peckish kiss growing sensual when he parted his lips. Chan's other hand found purchase on Woojin's hip, drawing the boy insanely closer.

When they broke apart for a breath, Chan dropped his head, Woojin planting a soft kiss to the top of it. "Did that help clarify things?" Woojin asked, winding his arms around Chan. Chan raised his gaze, biting his lip when he saw Woojin staring at them.

"I think I might need just a little more clarification." Woojin snorted, kissing him again anyway. And if Chan had been dreaming, they wouldn't have gotten interrupted by a very nosy Jeongin.

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