Int. Chan's House - Hours Later

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Chan still sat in front of the television, mind having long forgotten that Woojin had sent him a message until he got another one.

I'll take that as a no then :( Chan stared at the message for a while, thinking he didn't have the heart to leave him hanging.

Sorry, had something to take care of. Chan didn't think Woojin would say anything else, but immediately three little dots popped up on his screen.

What about tomorrow? Chan's thumbs hovered over the keyboard. Jeongin misses you. Woojin was just as bad as Jeongin at knowing how to play their cards. Chan figured that if he mentioned Jeongin, maybe they wouldn't be doing something alone. That made things different.

What does Jeongin have in mind? Another quick response.

He wants to gather the whole lot of us for a holiday. Chan froze, not sure how to feel about that response. A holiday would mean seeing Woojin frequently again. He wanted to avoid that, another reason to be happy that spring break had come around.

What kind of holiday? Chan's curiosity bested him as he waited for a response. This time a text from Jeongin himself came through.

WOULD YOU REALLY BE UP FOR IT?!?!? Chan laughed at the young boy sending him a simple :) before a spam of messages rolled in.


We'll need your car.

I already told Jisung and Minho, they said yes.

Seungmin wants to come too and Hyunjin said he'll think about it.

Felix will only come along if I let him bring Changbin, so that's what 9 of us?

Yeah 9.. Ahh I'm excited!!

Chan doesn't even know where they're going, but Jeongin's excitement can be felt even through the screen.

Slow your roll, IN. Gotta tell me where we're going first. He laughed when suddenly his phone was lighting up, Jeongin probably too excited to text him anymore. "So a holiday-"

"My aunt has this summer villa by the beach that she said I can use while she's still in Hong Kong. It's going to be so much fun Chan! All of us by the sea, I haven't been to the beach in so long. The sun on our skin, the sand in our toes. Doesn't it sound fun?" Chan admitted that he loved the beach and hadn't been around since he was young.

"It sounds amazing." Jeongin shouted in victory, rambling more about his excitement and ending the call by giving Chan the address. Jeongin told him that in order to make the most of their time, they have to leave early tomorrow morning and Chan glances up at the clock. He would have to turn in for the night if he's meant to wake up at the crack of dawn. But excitement runs through him at the prospect of an adventure, his nerves only slight abundant with the idea that he'll be seeing Woojin again.

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