Ext. Beach - Two Days Later

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The sun was high in the sky when all nine boys first set foot on the beach, having great fun in the sun. Night came too soon, the boys sitting by a bonfire pit and laughing up a storm at the story Minho was telling.

"So it wasn't like I was going to just let her get away with it. She didn't know who she was messing with." Jisung kept swatting at his arm, telling him to stop making a big deal.

"Why must you be like this?" Jisung exasperated, hiding his face on Minho's shoulder. Minho placed his arm around the boy, giggling as he still finished the story.

"Because, she was touching what's mine." The look in his eyes went wild, but then soft as Jisung looked up at him. Chan hummed softly at the cuteness, suddenly wishing he was sitting next to Woojin. Woojin was one bench over, sitting with Jeongin and acting fatherly as he covered the young boy with a blanket. It was starting to get a little chilly outside, but the fire was warmth enough for the rest of them.

Well, maybe not for Chan. Chan could feel goosebumps on his skin, the breeze minimal but oh so there. He didn't want to go back inside though, it would mean missing the fun. Woojin had the forethought to bring a jacket, wearing it since they sat down. Chan felt a shiver run through him, his body shuddering with it.

"You cold?" Felix asked, a little too loudly. Everyone turned to to look and Chan quickly shook his head.

"I'm okay." His arms still huddled around his middle for some extra warmth but he doubted anyone noticed it. That was until he felt something being pressed to his side.

"You can wear it. I'm not that cold." Woojin offered, handing over his jacket. Chan went to protest, but Woojin was suddenly standing up, wrapping the garment around CHan himself. He patted his head once it was done, returning to his spot next to Jeongin. Chan adjusted the jacket so it was on him properly, his nose getting hit by the smell of Woojin on the garment. He felt himself nuzzling further into the jacket, catching himself only after it was zipped up all the way. He quickly dropped his hands, looking around to see if he'd been caught.

Woojin was staring at him and Chan felt his cheeks turn pink. He dropped his gaze, feeling small again.

They went back into the house an hour later, everyone heading in for the night. Chan caught Woojin before he went into the room, slipping off the jacket. "Thanks." Chan smiled. Woojin held the jacket in his hands for a minute before staring up at Chan.

"Next time your cold, just tell me. I'll keep you warm." He smirked, disappearing into the bathroom before Chan could even think to respond.

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