Int. Summer Villa - Noon

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After two long hours of nothing but open land, the beach came into view, the boys getting excited over the scenery. They were all fully awake now, having downed the snacks and waters just a half hour prior. Felix was calling out the blue sky while Jisung was in awe of the blue water. Minho told Jisung he wanted to build a sandcastle and Woojin just glanced along with the rest, keeping whatever thoughts he had to himself. Chan turned onto the upcoming street, following the navigation as per Jeongin's direction last night. They arrive at a tall house with multiple windows, the house looking rather fancy for young boys.

Jeongin hopped out first, yelling about dibs on the biggest room. Seungmin was hot on his tail, yelling about how unfair that was as they were the guests. Hyunjin went down to the shore immediately, removing his shoes and feeling the sand on his feet. Jisung and Minho walked hand in hand, Felix and Changbin doing the same as they made their way to the now open house. Chan made sure everyone was out of the care before locking it up, Woojin by his side in an instant.

"It's pretty, huh?" Chan overlooked the sea, eyes trailing to Woojin as he stared off into the distance. He tried to tell himself that he wasn't in awe of his beauty, but his heartbeat said otherwise. He walked away, feeling too much as he entered the house.

It was grand alright, a very high ceiling in place with a large staircase. Chan found Seungmin in the front hallway, stuck because Jeongin was blocking his path.

"Chan! Tell him I get the big room!" As if Chan really had a say. This more or less was Jeongin's to make the call, but Chan tried to settle the argument.

"How many rooms are there?"

"Five, it's enough for one of us to have our own room and I want to be that someone." Jeongin really wanted it, but Chan also realized what that implied. If Jeongin had his own room, Chan would have to share. The possibility that he could have to share with Woojin-

"How about I take the single room?" It wasn't the answer Jeongin wanted to hear, but Chan was scared of the what ifs.

"I think Hyunjin should get it." Woojin said, involving himself in their conversation. "We could share a room Chan." He placed an arm around Chan, Chan stiffening with the touch, only to relax a moment later because Woojin was arm and soft, and Chan kind of shouldn't like it that much.

"That's perfect!" Jeongin agreed, placing his arms on Seungmin. "We'll share and then the love bird will obviously room together." He clapped finally moving out of the way. "It's settled." He motioned up the stairs. "There are three rooms upstairs and the rest are downstairs. Have at it." Jeongin pulled Seungmin upstairs, going to pick their room for sure.

"I think we'll be better off downstairs." Woojin mused, tugging Chan forward as he began to walk. They tried one of the doors down the hall and were welcomed by two beds- much to Chan's relief. "You can pick first." Woojin offered, lightly pushing him forward. Chan chose the bed closest to the door, in case anything were to happen he could be first responder. He was first responder most days anyway. Once Chan had made his decision, Woojin dumped his bag by the other bed, falling back on the bed. Chan wanted to giggle at how cute Woojin looked, but he held back, dropping his own bag to the side.

"Chan!" He heard someone shout and he ran out of the room, trying to figure out where it came from. "Chan! Out here!" He ran past the loft, finding a door at the very end of the house, one that led straight to the beach. "Don't you just want to swim in it?" The voice belonged to Jeongin and after the initial scare, he was able to smile slightly.

"Yeah, I really do."

"Come on then."

"What, no-" Jeongin pulled hard though, dragging Chan into the water fully clothed. Chan fell under for a moment before coming back up, soaked from head to toe. Jeongin giggled from his left, his pants the only part of him that were wet. "Oh you're going to get it." He taunted, chasing the boy playfully. More laughter joined them, Jisung and Minho flying in with Felix behind them. Changbin watched from afar, not wanting to be like the rest who were all enjoying the water still fully dressed. Despite Chan's initial disagreement with the idea, he was having fun, splashing with his friends and smiling when Hyunjin joined too, though he was actually in swimwear.

"So that's where you all disappeared to." Woojin called from the shore, now in a t-shirt and shorts. Chan could admire his body this way and the pink on his cheeks was more than a possible sunburn from not putting on sunscreen before heading outside. Seungmin came up from behind, pushing Woojin in alojng as he too joined the rest of the crowd. Woojin was laughing as he was pushed in and Chan felt giddy as he watched the boy flail into the water. Everyone was smiling and Chan was very happy they were doing this.

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